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Spiritual Awakening: Taking Out The Trash!!!

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Spiritual Awakening: Taking Out The Trash!!!


 As a child I watched Sesame Street and was very intrigued by Oscar The Grouch. Oscar was happy to live in his garbage can and accumulate stuff. There was one episode in which Bob and Maria help Oscar get rid of some of his stuff. At first he didn’t want to but then when we realized he didn’t need some of what he had accumulated he began to throw it out. At the end of the episode he appeared to be happier.  Oscar reminds me of many people who have had a spiritual awakening and continue to grow spiritually and personally because they have accepted the fact they have trash and are removing it. The trash we have  can be emotional baggage from past occurrences or  actual physical possessions that for some reason we continue to hold onto.

Spiritual Awakening: Strategies For Taking Out The Trash!!!

 When it comes to your physical trash make some piles keep, throw away. The keep pile should be the things that serve you. The throw away is for those things that no longer serve you. As you go through your stuff make your decisions and stick to it. When you take action you begin to move forward in your journey as you will feel better and less cluttered.

 feng shui- [ fəng shwáy ]  study of environmental balance: a Chinese system that studies people’s relationships to their environment, especially their home or workspace, in order to achieve maximum harmony with the spiritual forces believed to influence all places.

     Once you have decluttered your space and taken out the trash it is important  to consult someone on making your space energetically maximized so as to move forward on your spiritual path towards enlightenment and awakening.

     After you Feng Shui your environment then do a smudging ceremony so as to create a new beginning with clean positive energy

How to Do A Smudge Ceremony

What is smudging? What is a Smudging Ritual? What is a Smudging Ceremony? A smudging ceremony is often carried out for the purpose of clearing negative energy, and inviting peace, harmony, and ease into a person’s life, a challenging situation, or an uneasy or negative environment. It can be as involved as you want it to be. Sometimes, all that is required is a quick waft of the smudging wand to clear the energy. Other smudging rituals and smudging ceremonies require more time and attention. It’s up to you to decide how much time and energy to devote to your ceremony.

Clearing Energy

Essentially, to carry out a productive ceremony, you need to be clear about your intent and focus on what you are trying to accomplish. The actual smudge burning can consist of using as little as a few herbs placed in a burning fireplace, or as much as several wands of different herbs burnt until the energy feels right. There must always, however, be intent and focus in order for the clearing to take place.

Smudge Ceremony

To learn about the wide variety of rituals and ceremonies that are possible using sage and smudging, Sage & Smudge: The Ultimate Guide can guide you to a deeper understanding of the world of smudging. In the book you will find complete outlines of several popular useful sage and smudge ceremonies, and a list of 101 suggestions for personal ceremonies others have found helpful. Test any or all of these as you compile your own list of favorite practices.

     Once the physical trash is removed it is time to begin to remove the emotional trash. The first step is to write everything down that is creative a negative emotional charge and write down how this makes you feel then burn it and through it in the garbage and when it is taken away it is released and never to be brought up again unless it can serve you.

 The second step is to work with a coach or counselor and create a strategy to remove what no longer serves you.  The key here is to be honest and don’t hold back. Remember that the journey to enlightenment is a daily path and once you are conscious of your trash you can take it out.

 Once you commit to taking out the trash you will be able to make the mind, body, soul connection. You can do this by exercising, eating healthier, reading personal development books, meditating, surrounding yourself with positive people, being true to yourself, following your passion, and simply shining your light for others to see.

Spiritual Awakening: JDOGG’S Playlist For Taking Out The Trash



Shine Your light and Stay Positive by taking out the trash.

By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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