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Spiritual Awakening: Getting Blown!!!!

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Spiritual Awakening: Getting Blown!!!


 Okay where did your mind take you on that title? As part of my spiritual awakening I have learned that sometimes sitting quietly outside and being aware of the wind you will find the answer. I have developed a spiritual practice that I like to call Getting Blown where I sit quietly outside with my hands face up in my lap and my feet firmly on the ground my eyes closed allowing the wind to blow around me and through me. There are times I will burn incense as I do this and many times I find the answer. When was the last time that you took a moment to just quiet your mind and find the answers that are blowing in the wind?

Spiritual Awakening: Getting Blown- The Wind And Its Meaning

  Native American symbol for wind  The indigenous people of North America, Native Americans considered the wind to be a living force in and of itself . The wind is a god – a power that is capable of communicating a larger-than-life language to those who would hear it. Those who were certifiably authorized to interpret these cosmic messages were shamans, medicine men, and the wise and spiritual leaders among tribes. Wine represents:

  • Unity
  • Freedom
  • Eternity
  • Balance

 The Inuit Indians had an Air Spirit among the ranks of their Sila (a term that means Wisdom and Weather). Their Air Spirit controls the seas, skies and wind. Although considered a kind and beneficial spirit, it strikes wrath against liars, beggars and thieves in the form of illnesses. It is also blamed for bad weather and poor hunting.

Among the Micmac (a tribe belonging to the Wabanaki Confederacy native to New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. They also migrated to Maine, US) there is a story of a hero named (in English) Strong Wind who turned evil people (specifically the nefarious sisters of his beloved) into aspen trees, and to this day he makes them tremble in fear when he comes near the aspen forest.

Outside of the US, the Aztec wind-god, Ehecatle (a facet of Quetzalcoatl), was believed to blow the moon and sun into orbit.

From a Native perspective, the wind seems to be personified as divine messenger, able to manipulate unseen energy. What an amazing experience to open the ears and have the voice of god emptied into it. Or, to view the path of the winds and know it is the soul of a divine being that is sweeping through the land.

Wind signifies the Power of the Spirit and the movement of Life. Just as the Holy Spirit in Christianity was said to be ‘a mighty rushing wind’, so such a dream can represent a Divine revelation of some sort. A gale can be symbolic of the spirit we have within us. The intensity and power of our spiritual belief is depicted by a hurricane – an unpredictable force. To be winding something up, such as a clock, suggests that we are priming ourselves for action.


On a slightly more psychological level, wind in a dream can suggest the beginning of a new, much deeper awareness of ourselves. Since wind in a dream often denotes spiritual matters, if we are conscious of a gale or strong wind we may be taking ourselves too seriously. We are allowing those forces within us, that will lead us forward of their own accord to something else, to have too much meaning. A hurricane can represent the power of our own passion, or passionate belief, which picks us up and carries us along.

Everyday Material Aspects:
In dreams, wind symbolizes the intellect. It will depend on the force of he wind how we interpret the dream. For instance, a breeze would suggest gentleness and pleasure. An idea or concept we have is beginning to move us. A gale might indicate a principle we feel passionately about, whereas a north wind might suggest a threat to our security. Actually being in a gale indicates that we are being buffeted by circumstances that we feel are beyond our control. We are allowing those outside circumstances to create problems for us when actually we may need to look at what we are doing and either take shelter – to withdraw from the situation – or battle through to some form of sanctuary. When we experience a hurricane in a dream, we are sensing the force of an element in our lives that is beyond our control. We may feel we are being swept along by circumstances – or possibly someone’s passion – and are powerless to resist.

Spiritual Awakening: Getting Blown – JDOGG’S Top Wind Songs

  Today I encourage you to Embrace the Wind.





By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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