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Spiritual Awakening: The Journey Continues!!!! Keep Shining Your Light!!!

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Spiritual Awakening: The Journey Continues!!


 Today as I sought the theme for today’s entry the universal powers conspired to deliver this son, 93 Million Miles by Jason Mraz, to me.  As I listened to the lyrics I began to understand that the journey towards spiritual awakening and enlightenment continues as it is an everyday walk. Each day presents opportunities to shine your light and to live in light and thus enlighten and awaken others. I have begun to sign comments on social media like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and others with the phrase Keep Shining Your Light.  I began to do this as I understand that by lighting another candle you only increase the light so when you shine your light and are value of service you increase the brightness of those around you. In the spiritual awakening process you begin to understand that the journey to enlightenment starts with the first step. The question to ask is am I ready to take that first step and discover who I truly am? The journey will be fraught with trials and tribulations as well as filled with much joy and abundance. As you continue your journey you will begin to understand that everything that happens is happening for us not to us as GOD has a master plan for you. In making the decision to make the mind, body, soul connection and walk your path daily you will be able to understand why some things happen. In all that we do on this continuous journey we receive lessons and messages. In is the way we react to the messages and how we apply the lessons that determine our level of awakening and enlightenment.

 As you continue on your path toward spiritual awakening and enlightenment you will find your inner hero. You will begin to see how your vibrations begin to attract other heroes and how together you become a hero to others who continue on their journey. When you find and embrace your inner hero you will experience changes that allow you to come alive and as a result your personal and professional life is enhanced. It is in finding your inner hero as your journey continues that you allow others to find their inner hero.

 As your journey continues it is important to understand that when you believe in yourself and follow the messages as they  are being sent you will find the miracles that are all around us. When you take a moment to relax, reflect, and rejuvenate and nourish your beliefs you will experience the greatness that is your birthright. You will be so moved along your journey that you will begin to find the joy of being involved in the community.
In continuing your journey the key element that remains is that when you shine your light for others to see you change your life while also changing the lives of others.

Spiritual Awakening: Tools To Help You Continue Your Journey!!!




Quotes and bible verses are good tools to help you continue on your journey to awakening and enlightenment as you understand that you were born to be great and to shine your light bright.

 Books like these and Sources of Wisdom Book2 serve as great tools to further your journey and allow you to keep shining your light.

 Using stones, crystals, and incense along your journey will act as great tools to summon up the positive energy for you to continue to shine your light.

Spiritual Awakening: Inspirations as Your Journey Continues!!!!


Samantha “SAM” Gordon is breaking down all the stereotypes of what young girls can an can not do. Sam is a 8 year old girl who plays tackle football and competes with the boys. She doesn’t only compete she excels and leads her league in rushing yards and touchdowns.  Her light shines bright for all to see.  She is doing what she loves and showing that when you put passion into action you find success. So the next time someone tells you it can’s be done or you are not good enough refer to Sam Gordon and her shining light and prove them wrong.

   Jim Abbott shines his light in his book Imperfect  where he shares his journey. Jim was born with out right hand, however despite this challenge he managed to be a successful pitcher. His journey wasn’t always easy but he showed great strength and courage in accomplishing great thing both on and off the field. Jim Abbott serves as an inspiration for all of us to stay on our journey and to shine our light.

  Continue to shine your light on your journey & walk in GOD’S favor. Stay Positive!!!



By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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