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Spiritual Awakening: NOT SO CRAZY MIXED UP WORLD!!!

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Spiritual Awakening: Not So Scary Mixed Up World!!!

As I was watching CNN (Constantly Negative News) I looked at my DAD and said what a crazy mixed up world. He asked a question that stuck with me as to why the news doesn’t cover more positive news like breakthroughs in cancer treatments or events like Relay For Life. My answer was because many people are caught up in the idea of being part of a crazy mixed up world. We then switched to The Nightly News on ABC and there was a story about a new treatment and a new drug available for those affected by Breast Cancer. My DAD said see the world is not so crazy and mixed up. As the news ended I began to think about changing our perception as a result of tuning into our spirituality and seeking divine guidance. It was at that moment that I realized each time I stated  it is a crazy mixed up world I was creating the scenarios in my own personal and professional life that were creating blockages in the spiritual awakening process. I began to think if I am to grow in mind, body, and spirit I mus become an action taker and focus on the more positive things that people are doing to stop our world from being crazy and mixed up.  In the last few days I have decided that my anthem will be one of positivity and that I will take everything that occurs as an opportunity to shift the dynamic around me. If I feel I will be in environment that may foster negativity I find a polit way to remove myself from that environment. If I must be in that environment I ask GOD and Archangel Michael to protect me from the negative or toxic people and to allow me to flourish by shining a light of positivity for everyone to see. Sometime we must remove ourselves from the craziness and do what we feel is right in our heart so we can walk in our truth. Sometimes it is important to share why we are doing something as opposed to what we are doing so that we achieve the goals we set for ourselves and thus be met with success in our journey despite the doubters.

Sometimes that which we think is crazy is actually not so crazy but instead a message to continue on your path and your mission. In my case it was holding my mom’s hand for the last time on July 5, 2012 as she was called home to GOD after suffering a massive heart attack while also battling non-operable metastatic lung cancer. As I watch the machines flatline I knew there was a message to continue to do what I do for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life and to continue to encourage people to visit to make donations. I was asking myself why do bad things happen to good people and the answer I received was to remind one of their life’s purpose and to reinforce that our life is valuable and to cherish the time we get to interact in a positive manner with others.

 When one can go to youtube and find inspirational songs like this from Reba McIntire one realizes that our world is not so mixed up and crazy and everything is in divine order just the way it is meant to be. Today I met with a young women who is involved with Relay For Life and she shared the story of losing her husband and shared his book he wrote before he passed.  He left behind her and 2 great kids. One would wonder why GOD would take a vibrant young man wit 2 young children. The answer so as to leave a legacy of hope to teach us all to cherish life and live that life with purpose. In interacting we were able to help each other and make some sense out of the human experience and realize that the world is as crazy and mixed up as we choose to allow it to be.

Through our spiritual awakening we can only imagine what it will be like when we enter the Kingdom of GOD and accept the plate at the table he has set for us.  I believe that when that day comes we will experience the unconditional love that we have been searching for while here on earth.

 When you feel yourself looking at the world as crazy and mixed up remember there is one man who can give you answers and help you to make sense of everything and his name is JESUS. Namaste!!!



By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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