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Spiritual Awakening: Show Me The Way!!!

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Spiritual Awakening: Show Me The Way!!!

As many regular readers of this blog know I do my best to stay positive however sometimes events happen that create challenges to being positive. Since 2/9/2018 my life has been fraught with some darkness as I have had a few things happen to me that were beyond my control. These events were making me feel less than instead of felling like I was enough. As a result of feeling inadequate I slowed down on my volunteer work and my quest to find a full time job. I was so entrenched in all the darkness that I was allowing the enemy to win. As I began to reflect on what I could do differently I realized that maybe simply not saying what was on my mind at the time would have avoided the trials and tribulations that have been thrown at me however this would go against me being my authentic self. I have come to realize that if someone is offended by what I say their problem goes far deeper than me. I have come to realize that many people do not know how to deal with someone who is confident and walks to the beat of his own drummer. When you have a different way of thinking and doing certain things you are bound to ruffle some feathers. As I sat and listened Show Me The Way several times this week and reconnected with GOD I have been able to move from the darkness to the light. I have come to realize that I may have lost out on one announcing gig but others will come my way. In finding my way again I have realized that everything happens for a reason and every situation you find yourself in contains a message. When in doubt you simply have to sit down and ask GOD to show your the way.
As I sat in meditation I started to feel the darkness being lifted and the light shining through with the message that GOD will make a way. As I prayed to GOD, The Ascended Masters, The Angles, and Jesus I began to get reenergized with a power driving me to do what I do and that is be of service and value to others. In changing my focus from the negative things that were happening in my life to the positive things that are happening in my life I felt my vibrations radiating at a higher level allowing me to stay connected to GOD and thus attracting more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into my life. In releasing the negatives and committing to let go and let GOD many more positive things are happening around me. In focusing on the good people that I encounter instead of the negative petty people that I encounter is helping to go from the darkness to the light.
As I came out of the darkness I adopted this as my theme and I remind myself that you just need to light ’em up and let the fire inside of you come out. I have learned that there will be those who try to discredit you because they don’t share the same sense of humor that you share and they may get so insulted that they write a letter of complaint. That letter of compliant cost me a position that I really liked however I knew it was GOD closing one door so another door would open. In coming to realize that all that happens occurs as a means to help enhance my personal, professional, and spiritual life has helped in coming out of this dark place and moving toward a brighter place.  It has come to the point to simply live your life as GOD planned and not allow any negatives to take you away from that path.
One of the best way to come out of the darkness and find the way is to loose yourself in the service of others.  We may not have Drake’s finances but we have the ability to follow GOD’S Plan by being of service and value to others.

See the source image    See the source imageIt is amazing when you ask to be shown the way what messages will come to you as you seek to shine a light on the world and decrease to darkness that seems to fraught our daily lives due to the many outside influences in our life. I have come to realize that I can not control what others think about me or the actions they take toward me but I can control how I carry myself and how I show up.  When you are in a dark place simply ask to be shown the way and you will quickly get the resources you need to block out the negativity and move toward positivity. Make positivism the way of the day and fill your day with kindness, compassion, and empathy and you will be shown the way to stay on a path that will lead to spiritual enlightenment.
Now is the time to let go and let GOD as you begin to understand that you are a divine child of GOD and GOD wants you to have success. So the next time darkness tries to put out the light simply ask GOD to show your the way. Stay Positive Today. Namaste!!!





By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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