Action Takers Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual Awakening: Victory Shall Be Yours!!!

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Image result for Spiritual Victory
Let Go and Let GOD

       Through the spiritual awakening process I have come to understand that by taking action you will be victorious. It may take a lot of perseverance and persistence to achieve victory however if you stay connected to GOD victory shall be yours. Do not listen to the doubters, the haters, or  the naysayers. Listen to the messages from GOD and be prepared to take action and victory shall be yours. Do not allow your negative self talk to get in the way and become an action taker and victory shall be yours. As you forward along your path to victory you will find yourself detaching from the outcome thus allowing you to be victorious and attracting more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. As you move forward in a positive direction of your goals you will find that the obstacles that once stopped you are no longer obstacles but mere stepping stones to success. So many times we find ourselves forgetting everything and running that we forget the power that we have to face everything and rise.Through out my spiritual journey I have had many detractors telling me that it couldn’t be done well I proved them wrong by letting go and letting GOD I was shown resources that simply needed to be utilized to fulfill the goals and objectives that I had set for myself. 

In Overcoming Adversity You Grow Personally, Professionally, and Spiritually

 It is when we utilize our resources and take action that we can overcome all challenges that we face.  I have been working diligently on securing chance drawing items for events that I am hosting for The American Cancer Society to raise funds for research, education, advocacy, and services and I have been reaching out through social media. Each time I get a yes it is a victory  for I know that there are many caring and compassionate people in this world whom will support the efforts to attack cancer from every angle. I have come to understand that the best thing I can do is to take action using the tools at my disposal knowing that when it is all said and done I will be victorious.


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Stay Connected to GOD and You Will Be Led to Victory!!!

   It is when we stay connected to GOD and listen to his message that we are led to victory. In order for us to be victorious we need to stay in the arena standing up for what we believe in as we shine our light and illuminate the world.

Image result for the credit goes to the man in the arena
To Gain Victory You Must Be In The Arena

     It is when you step into the fray and are not afraid of losing that you will be led to victory. It is when you become an action taker and walk in your truth that you will find victory.  In the years that I have been walking my spiritual path their have been some defeats however I have learned from then and as a result have had many victories. For those that have followed this blog for a while you know the many victories that I have had and the many adversities that I have faced along the way. The one thing that has kept moving toward victory is the fact that I know that I am a divine child of GOD and GOD wants me to prosper.

    It is now time for you to be victorious. Namaste!!!

By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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