
Spiritual Awakening: What Was Your Lesson Today?

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Spiritual Awakening: What Was Your Lesson Today?

Today my lesson came in the form of a minor car accident as I backed out of my parking space at my condo thinking it was clear another car came around the corner and I hit it. The other driver drove off and parked and when approached didn’t realize they had been hit. The sitiuation was worsened when the driver didn’t said no speak English. This irked me to no end and tried every ounce of my spiritual being, so I took a deep breath, walked away, called 911, and when it was all said and done a driver exchange was done and now he has to contact my insurance company. I hope he understands the process.Thus my lesson was to look out, be more attentive, and patient. I have  always said things happen for us not to us. Today was a message to slow down and be careful. It was source’s way of saying I love you and want you here but slow down and relax and enjoy what has been provided for you.

As I looked at this picture and realized it is all part of a puzzle and eventually it will all fit together. This also started me realizing that we are all interconnected and intertwined and we have lessons coming at us all the time. These lessons can be in a variety of forms like the other day when in the dark I tripped over my otaman and hurt my knee, this was s ign to turn on lights which also represented awakening. It was the universe’s way of staying be aware of you surroundings and turn on the ight that is inside of you and share ot with the world. Sometimes it is the small setbacks that really propel you to move forward.

 It is when we make a conscience effort to move forward that great things happen. When we can truly let go of the past we create and become more self aware and thus contiue to become that posoitive light shining on ourselves and others. It is when we put the naysayers and the doubters behind us that we become enlightenedand inspired.

There are many ways to  move forward:

1: Meditate

2: Reconnect with nature- Go for a walk, a jog, or a run, stop to relish in the beauty that source has created

3: Read- Find the authors that interest you and read their materials

4: Write in a journal- I keep a gratitude journal

5: Attend Special Events like The Spiritual Entreprenuers Visionary Awards on 3/24 at Unity Church in Pompano Beach

6: Connect with healers and coaches

7: Put on some uplifting music

This week be  aware of the lessons that are coming your way.

 Be Fearless and don’tlet what you perceive as a set back hold you back. It is when we receive and understand the lessons that we are able to move forward.


By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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