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Spiritual Awakening: Change It Up!!!

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As I looked in the mirror after having an altercation with someone when I was out in the community promoting who I was was, what I do, and why they should hire me I realized that I needed to change the way I was going about things for being angry about the position I find myself in is not going to help me to move forward in my quest to be of service and value to others. It was after some deep introspection that I realized it was time to change it up and get back in touch with my own spiritual divine guidance system. It was time to see where the anger was coming from and get to the root of it and to clear the anger out so that I could move forward and better serve the community.

As I thought about my actions and the energy that I was bringing to the tasks that I have chosen to undertake I realized it was time to assume an attitude of gratitude and to make it a mission to do these tasks joyfully and regardless of the reactions of others to simply walk in my truth and allow everything to flow as GOD intended. I have come to understand that not everyone will be open to receive what I bring to the table as they simply are just not ready yet to become more spiritually aware and awake. I have also come to understand that if I live my day in joy and bring joy to others than I have had a good day. In getting back to the understanding that I can only control my actions and that the way things are the way things should be are two different things I have come to realize that not everyone I come in contact will share my exuberance and passion for being of service and value and that is okay for those meant to heed my message and improve their personal, professional, and spiritual life will be presented to me so I need to change it up.

As I decided to change things up and change my approach I have found myself being more happy and thus attracting peace, love, joy, and prosperity into my life. I have seen that GOD will give you messages to change it up when GOD sees what your are doing is causing you to stray. As I looked at the perspective from the view of the person I was approaching I realized that I am coming into their business unannounced and may be disrupting their flow and their reaction has nothing to do with me but just the fact that I was the person interrupting them. As I changed my approach and began the conversation from a different perspective my success rate increased. It was when I changed thing up and changed my vibration that I found myself having more peace, love, joy, and prosperity in my day.

Spiritual Awakening: Change It Up: A Case Study!!!

It was when I decided to change it up that many things in my life improved. The other day while out collecting donations for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life I went into a restaurant and they allowed me to go table to table to ask for donations and each time I apologized for interrupting their meal. The response was overwhelmingly positive and most of the patrons put something in the collection bucket. I decided to use this positive energy to propel me through the day and simply walk in my truth detaching from outcomes. When I encountered someone that was being negative I simply said that you for pointing that out and then I went about my business. Where I once got mad when someone said I don’t have cash I now simply say I understand please let me leave a few brochures and my card and if you would like to do a collection that would be great and you can call me when you have money to turn in. In detaching from the outcome and letting go and letting GOD I have been able to make positive changes to my approach thus relieving stress and tension and any anger that I may have had that was blocking me from being of service and value to others.

In changing your attitude and looking at things in a different way as you experience a spiritual awakening you will find yourself more easily tapping into you inner divine guidance system. In looking at how your actions and attitude are influencing outcomes in your life you can better make the mind, body, and soul connection to enhance your personal, professional, and spiritual life. Namaste!!!

By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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