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Spiritual Awakening: Opening The Happiness Portal!!!

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Spiritual Awakening: Opening The Happiness Portal!!!

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As I was out promoting The American Cancer Society Relay For Life and collecting donations I discovered something and that is when you exude happiness you vibrate at a higher level thus attracting people to assist you in your effort to be of service and value to others. In taking action and reminding yourself that GOD loves a cheerful giver and detaching from the outcome you will find that you open a happiness portal that can only be closed if you allow the attitude of others to drain you of your happiness. Regardless of where you stand personally, professionally, or spiritual there is one key to living your life in joy and bringing joy to others and that is keeping your happiness portal open. Today (5/7/2019) I decided to take action and fight through that which was blocking me from entering the happiness portal. As a result I found myself having more success in all that I was doing. In detaching from the outcome and not taking anything personally I was able to step into my power and have good encounters with those I came in contact with during the day. As I stopped worrying about what others would think I began to find myself bringing more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into my day. In being open and honest with myself it became easier to step in to the happiness portal and focus on the present. In being my friendly and outgoing self I was able to use my talents for good and positively impact the lives of others.

Spiritual Awakening: Tools To Open The Happiness Portal!!!

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The best tool that we can have in our spiritual tool box to open the happiness portal is The Bible. The other day someone told me that BIBLE is Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth and I thought how profound as if you use this tool as a guide you will keep the happiness portal open.

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Carrying stones and crystals will serve as a way to open the happiness portal as they will assist you in staying focused, centered, and grounded.

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Affirmations are a fantastic way to keep the happiness portal open so that you can continue to shine your light and illuminate the world.

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Quotes are excellent tools to utilize in reminding us to find happiness in all that is happening around us. This can be difficult as we get bombarded by so much negativity these days however we can choose what we focus on knowing that what we focus on expands.

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Becoming a giver serves as a phenomenal way to open the happiness portal as giving opens the channels to receive. It is when we share with others that we are rewarded.


    Songs will assist you in your quest to open the happiness portal as they help us to vibrate at levels that will enhance our personal, professional, and spiritual lives.  I have found that when I listen to the songs that I enjoy that I am able to move forward in a positive direction of my dreams.


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Using essential oils will help you to open the happiness portal as they will aid in your quest to gain clarity and understanding as to your purpose.

    Meditation is an effective tool to open the happiness portal as it allows you to clear the mind and remove blockages that are stopping you from reaching your full potential.

Spiritual Awakening: Opening The Happiness Portal: A Case Study!!!

    I have  come to discover that our words have a tremendous effect on bringing happiness into our lives. When I sat down in reflection I realized that there were words that I was using and that certain words were stopping me from opening the happiness portal. I found myself using words that were infused with much negativity and when I became conscious of how I was saying things and the effect the words were having on my life I began to change the negative to positive. Instead of saying I am financially challenged I began to say my financial situation is improving. In doing this I found myself attracting more of what I needed in my life and started to see more bliss and abundance in my life. Instead of dwelling on the bad things that have been happening I have begun to see that even in the darkest of occurrences there is a tinge of happiness. As I began to push through the pain by saying everything will work out instead of saying I am in so much pain I can’t do that things have begun to improve. In showing gratitude to those who have gone to or or those who have sent a check or money made payable to Jonathan Lederman to 9141 Sunrise Lakes Boulevard #102 Sunrise FL 33322 to help me instead of complaining about those that haven’t helped me I have found myself happier and thus able to be of service and value to others. In being grateful for those supporting The American Cancer Society Relay For Life instead of being angry at those that haven’t supported the effort to help those touched by cancer I have found my success rate of receiving donations increase. In simply changing my words and my approach to things I have been able to open the happiness portal. Stay Positive!!!

By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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