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Spiritual Awakening: Follow Your Heart!!!

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Spiritual Awakening: Follow Your Heart!!!

      As we continue to grow spiritually one constant remains and that is the concept of following your heart. When you become a heart centered action taker removing the idea of fear from mind you begin to awaken more and more thus allowing yourself to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually.  I have found when I follow my heart the mind follows and I figure out a way to bring more bliss and abundance into my life. Over the course of my spiritual journey I have come to realize that it is when you follow your heart and turn on your heart light that you tap into an inner divinity that makes you unstoppable. It is when you are connected to GOD and allowing GOD to direct you that you can follow your heart and step into your power and achieve the greatness that is your birthright. Sometimes people you work with or socialize with will try to squelch your spirit as do what they can to stop you from following your heart. In those situations hold a special place for these people and find ways to cope with dealing with them that will not create strife but will continue to bring peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. Over the last few weeks I have found that I was vibrating at a low frequency and thus creating darkness in my life. As a result I wasn’t doing things that bring me joy so I sat in reflection and decided it was time to reconnect with GOD and to follow my heart and release any fears I have about speaking my mind. In following my heart I have found myself detaching from outcomes and simply making changes needed to create more bliss and abundance in my life.

Image result for The Serenity Prayer

In following my heart and releasing any fears about walking in my truth and speaking my truth I have been able to get back on track and to achieve some amazing things. It is following your heart that you will find your purpose and calling in life. As I continue to follow my heart and comprehend that GOD’S Plan for me is far bigger than any plan I had for myself. I have begun to act on the reoccurring messages that are being sent from GOD and as a result I am finding that I am more peaceful and content with what I have instead of wanting what I don’t have. I have realized that it is when you come straight from the heart that you will become more awake and aware.

     It is said what the mind can conceive and the heart can believe you can achieve. It has been 21 months since my DAD Passed, nearly 8 years since my MOM passed, and just over 2 months since my step-dad passed, and the other day another person that believed in me passed leaving me with a heavy heart that was lightened when I looked deep inside and received the message to lift my burden give it to GOD and follow my heart in a positive direction toward my dreams. As I meditated on this message I realized it was time to get back to what brings me joy and to simply look at my job as a means to an end and not a definition of who I am as I am much deeper that what my current job is and that I need to use the job as a way to provide the income needed so I can follow my heart and thus continue to be of service and value to others. It is now the time for all of us to follow our hearts and see how we can make a positive difference in our world. At the end of the day when following your heart if you can say yes to these two questions Did I live my life ion joy today and did my life bring joy to others then you have had a good day. In following your heart and detaching from outcomes you will find you create more inner peace and as a result you can face all situations in a good way creating the life that you desire.

     Now is your time to have a heart on fire and to continue to allow that fire to burn until you are so hot that you spark a fire in others and empower and inspire them to achieve the greatness that they have inside. It is your time to follow your heart as scary as that may seem and step up to the plate and knock it out of the park. Namaste!!!

By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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