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Spiritual Awakening: Unmasking Your Truth!!!

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Spiritual Awakening:Unmasking Your Truth!!!

If you must wear a face mask (you must), let it be cute and ...

It has been 8 weeks of wearing a mask out due to The COVID-19 Crisis. As I was unmasking today (5/8/2020) I began to think about how important it is to unmask your truth so that you can allow for personal, professional, and spiritual growth. Many times we will put on masks so that we can adapt so that we can take the action necessary to step into our greatness while being of service and value to others. It is when we take the mask off and peel back the facades that we are able to unleash the truth and create the freedom for us to attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into our lives as we continue on our spiritual path.  It is when we unmask that we are able to face everything and rise by eliminating the blockages that may have been holding back from becoming the person GOD wants us to be. When we unmask and walk in our truth we are able come alive and follow our passion so that we detach from outcomes and thus are able to be a beacon of light in our community. So many times we get caught up in trying to be something that we are not we stifle the opportunity to expand our horizons and become enlightened. It is when we become distracted that we must take a moment to unmask and tap into our inner divinity and reconnect with GOD which allows us to live our purpose driven life and walk in our truth.

Buzz Aldrin Quote: “There's no doubt that there will be many ...

When we seek what is beyond the horizon we can unmask the mysteries of who we are and what our purpose is while we are on this earth.  When we take off our mask and peel back the onion we begin to dig deep into divine guidance system and see just how great we are becoming as we are taking action on our passion thus allowing us to come from a position of bliss and abundance. As I have been sheltering at home I have had the opportunity to reflect and realize just how important it is to show up as our authentic self and allow GOD to guide us. I have come to realize that the plans GOD has for us is far greater than the plans we have for ourselves and it is important to unmask  and walk in our truth. It is when we walk in our truth that we are able to create the life that we desire. In walking in our truth we will come across some curve balls however with a good solid spiritual base we will hit those out of the park.

     When we unmask and walk in our truth we are able to find our own version of OZ and go beyond the yellow brick road. As we walk this path we will encounter all types of emotions and as we unmask them and face them we become stronger as we begin to make a stronger connection with GOD, Jesus, Source, Spirit, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels allowing us to stay centered, focused, and grounded as we move forward in a positive direction of our dreams. It is in the unmasking that we see who we are and we understand that we are divine children of GOD and GOD has great plans for all of us.

      It is now time to look beyond the mask  and to walk in your truth so you can reach for the moon knowing that if you don’t make it you will fall among the stars. It is when you look at yourself in the mirror and realize that you need to take off all the masks that you can take the steps forward to embrace the spiritual awakening process and become the person GOD intends you to be.

Now is the time to look deep into the reflection of the mirror and unmask so that you can progress on your spiritual journey.

In unmasking and looking deep you will be able to overcome any challenges that you are facing as you will walk in your truth. Changes will be necessary so that you can unmask and escape any facades that were holding you back from creating the life that you desire.  It is time to go from being a worrier to being a warrior. Today is a new beginning as you unmask your truth and awaken spiritually. It is time to unmask your truth and embrace your great spirit and move forward along your spiritual path so you can continue moving toward enlightenment.

     If you have an opportunity take a walk in nature and focus on unmasking your truth for the answers will be provided to what you are seeking as you journey along your path. There are two great days in a person’s life the day they are born and the day they figure out why. When you unmask your truth you will be given the tools to live your life on purpose. Your mask serves a purpose however there comes a time to unmask and stand in your truth. Now is the time to live your life and rise to heights you never thought possible as you stay connected to GOD.

It is your time to unmask your truth. Stay Positive Today!!! Namaste!!!

By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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