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Spiritual Awakening: Flushing The System!!!

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Spiritual Awakening: Flushing The System!!!

main product photoAs I continue along my spiritual journey and become more and more aware and awake I realize how important it is to flush the system so that I progress toward making a mind body and soul connection that will allow me to be of service and value to others. I have found that when I take my body and am conscience of what I am eating I am able to gain clarity in the rest of my life. Just as our body needs flushing from time to time our mind also needs to be cleansed of negativity that causes blockages that keep us from reaching our full potential. When we find ourselves distracted by events that we can not control we must reach deep inside ourselves and tap into the inner divinity we possess so as to get get focused, centered, and grounded. Over the las few months I have come to acknowledge that it is when we take action that we can flush our system while setting in motion the process  to attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into our personal, professional, and spiritual lives. It is when we remind ourselves that we are divine children of GOD that we prosper and thus we are able to prosper others. The key is to flush your system and then to overcome and adapt to all obstacles that may be standing in the way to your spiritual ascension.

See the source image As many of you who read this blog regularly know I am very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. 2021 marks my 24th year as a participant in this event. Over the years I have had to cleanse my system and make changes so as to help raise funds for research, education, advocacy, and services. I have a web page where people can make donations. People can also send checks and I process them through the fundraising application on my phone. The application when it works is great unfortunately some time it doesn’t work so I have to use an old system of sending the check to the American Cancer Society Office. Recently I received a check and try as I may my phone application just wouldn’t read it so I had to send it to the American Cancer Society in Tampa as they closed The American Cancer Society Office in Fort Lauderdale due to Covid-19. I was upset and frustrated that something so easy could be made so difficult however I knew I had to flush those thoughts out of my mind and move forward in a positive direction of my goal to raise $2500. As I sat in meditation I received a message that GOD will not give you more than you can handle and that GOD will put you through some challenges to remind you just how strong you are. As I flushed my system of the negatives and focused on the positive and the fact that there is always a solution I found a new energy and was able to press on and continue on the endeavor to make a positive impact on the lives of those touched by cancer. I realized that I have a strength to carry on and give people a spiritual lift simply by cleansing the system and gaining clarity of purpose.

    One way I have found to flush the system is to listen to music and really focus on the lyrics so as to embrace the fact that this the day that the lord hath made and I will rejoice and be glad in it. In eliminating negatives and creating more positives you will be able to say yes to important questions like did I live my day in joy and did I bring joy to others today? In flushing the system and creating a positive environment around you create many possibilities for success. It is when you flush your system that you can disregard the thoughts of the doubters, the haters, and the naysayers. Now is the time for you to flush your system of the negative self talk so you can face everything and rise. It is your season to flush your system so that you can step into your power and to achieve the greatness that GOD has planned for you.

   As you flush your system remember you are a strong powerful person who was born for excellence. May you shine your light bright to illuminate the world. As you continue to move along your spiritual path take a moment every now and then to flush your system so that you can stay positive and become a beacon of hope. Namaste!!!

By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.