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Spiritual Awakening: Plug In Your Adaptor!!!

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Go with the flow and vibrate at a high level.

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Spiritual Awakening: Plug In Your Adapter!!!

  In our life from the cradle to the grave we will have many opportunities to plug in our adaptor so as to continue to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. Along our spiritual path there will be many obstacles for us to overcome and how we adapt to overcoming these challenges will develop us by allowing us to face everything and rise. There will be many things that we can not control which will make us understand that the way things are and the way things should be are two different things. It is when we are faced with adversity that we must plug in our adaptor and tap into our inner divinity so as to create and manifest a favorable outcome. Many times the outcome may not be the one we wanted however in accepting it and moving on we grow and become more and more spiritually aware. Many times our disappointments create the fuel we need to dust ourselves off and rise above all that we are facing. LIfe is going to through us some curve balls and that is when you need to plug in your adaptor and understand that you are a divine child of GOD who has a purpose on this earth. We all have many different adaptors. Mine is a sense of humor and the spiritual teachings of Don Miguel Ruiz. My biggest adaptor is The Four Agreements.

When things aren’t going my way I remember these four agreements and I reconnect with GOD, Jesus, Source, Spirit, The Angels, and Ascended Masters so as to stay focused and to remain centered and grounded. Over the years through the spiritual awakening process I have learned to follow my calling and to be heart centered in all I do so as to come alive and be of service and value to the community thus allowing me to plug in my adaptor and detach from expectations. If at the end of each day we can say today I plugged in my adaptor and as a result I had a day filled with joy and I brought joy to others we will have had a great day. Yes somedays will be more challenging that others however if we plug in our adaptor we can face it all and become a better version of ourselves.

     When we plug in our adaptors we become overcomers. When things seem to go of the rails we must find a way to get them back on track so as to move fluidly to our next destination. On April 12,2021 I mailed a letter and it still hasn’t been received by the recipient. I am upset because the letter also included a money order for $27.01 for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. Instead of getting angry I took a deep breath and then went online to file a lost letter inquiry. I then realized next time I am sending a check or money order anywhere to send it certified thus I can lessen the burden of worrying if it got there or not. Through adversity we are able to become overcomers and learn valuable lessons along the way as we continue to become more aware and awake. I also us the serenity prayer as an adaptor so that the moments where I get upset are  fleeting.

It is when I sit in reflection that I learn to adapt and overcome. I can not control what others may do but I can change what I do and how I react to things as I plug in my adaptor. There was a time I would debate about everything now I simple disengage politely as I have have come to learn that arguing is like wrestling a pig in the mud you both get dirty but the pig enjoys it. As I continue to make adjustments I realize that the best way to plug in my adaptor is to be the best version of myself and to leave people in a better position than I found them. I have come to understand that I may not resonate with everyone but those meant to hear my message and support my projects will be brought to me as long as I am being heart centered and guided by GOD. If you do not like the way things are going find a way you can change so as to improve how things are going. Sometimes it is just necessary to go with the flow and vibrate at a high level so as to attract the people and resources needed to create the life you desire.

    May you adapt and overcome today!!! Namaste!!!!

By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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