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Spiritual Awakening: A Great Wake Up Call!!!

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Don’t get carried away in woory about the how GOD will provide.

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Spiritual Awakening: A Great Wake Up Call!!!

On May 23, 2022 I was experiencing abodominal pains along with other medical issues thus I drove myself to the emergency room. After being seen by a doctor I was admitted for observsation. What was supposed to be 1 night turned into 6. While in the hospital I had a chance to reflect on where I was in my life and realized this was GOD giving me a wake up call. GOD was telling me to get my life together physically and mentally. I have come to understand that the spiritual awakening process includes some major messages and if you don’t heed those message GOD will give you a message so big that you will have no choice but to take action. Today our world is ina  bit of a turmoil as so much is happening and many times all the noise is keeping us from becoming the best version of ourself that we can be. Now is the time to take a look at where you are in your spiritual journey and to make plans to take action to make sure that you are progressing in  positive way so as to have good physical and mental wellness. This may mean letting go of that which no longer serves you and pulling back from cetain activities that drain you menatlly and physically. It is when we declutter our lives that we are able to heed the great wake up call and continue on a path to spiritual enlightment. Many times we have blockages that are stopping us being a peak performer in all aspects of our lives. Now is the time to clear those blockages by finding spiritual practices that will enhance our personal and profeesional lives. Now is a time to let go and let GOD and accept the great wake up call.

Through the spiritual awakening process I have come to realize that GOD will make a way as his plans for me are far greater that the plans I have for myself. Through the many trials and tribulations that have encompassed my life I have come to understand that it is when you turn your life over to GOD and allow GOD to Guide you you will begin to attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. Through this great wake up call I have been able to move from  coming from a position of lack to coming from a place of abudance. I have started to say I get to instead of I have to and it is making a big difference. It is through expressing gratitude that you can remove some blockages and begin to thrive as you answer the great wake up call.

Through the great wake up call you will be able to turn to GOD and thank him while you realize that this is the day the lord hath made so I will be glad and rejoice in it. It is important to recognize the fact that if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring your through it. I thank GOD that I have the finances to take care of thing in my human existence and will continue to thank GOD and praise GOD and I suggest everyone who is reading this does the same. There will be storms in your life and you will recive a great wake up call so take time and act upon the great wake up call and allow GOD to guide you to the greatness that is your birthright.

Sometimes it is when we feel we are in our darkest hour that GOD gives us a great wake up call and allows us to come to the light so that we can shine bright and illuminate the world. Now is your time to thrive and to overcome challenges by changing the things you can, accepting the things you can’t, and having the wisdom to know the difference. Don’t get carried away in worrying about the how as GOD will provide as you continue to answer the great wake up call.

God’s great wake up call when answered will guide to find what you need. This was evident today (6/20/2022) as I was writing this entyry and found this song from Erica Mason titled wake up call. It is your time to wake up and make the changes neccessary to have the life that you desire. You have the power to tap into your inner divinity and connect with GOD and answer the great wake up call. Make today the day that you take steps to answer the great wake up call and see what begins to develop now. Namaste!!!

By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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