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Spiritual Awakening: How to Quiet The Mind and Be Productive

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As I sat by my pool today reading Rev. Dr. Dee Adio-Moses’ book You’re enough I was visited by an iguana who needed to take a break from his scampering. At first I was startled as I was thinking about a passge from the book about GOD being in us and how you can listen to the small voice whispering to you and guiding you. As I began to quiet my mind the messages aboiut being productive started to flow and I thus my inspiration for today’s entry.

Spiritual Awakening: How to Quiet The Mind and Be Productive

I have often stated that when the mind is quiet you can receive the messages that can lead you to be productive. A few ways to quiet the mind are:

1: Find a quiet place and lay on your back close your eyes and just breathe- This is difficult at first as we are so programmed to rush from one task to the next. We all tend to have what we perceive to be busy lives, however we are a priority and by finding a quiet place to lay down and breathe will help us to improve our health and well being. I usually lay back say GOD is good God is great Ave Marie a few times as I breathe and then I stop and just breathe ignoring any thoughts that come into my head. I do this for about 15 minutes and then I pick up with the task I was working on and move forward in a positive direction.

2: Lay down on your couch after putting on some soothing music or a deep meditation CD and just breathe while listening to the sounds and blocking everything else out.

3: Sit in a  with your barefeet(or with socks) touching the ground and your palms open to the sky and just allow everything to flow.

Spiritual Awakening: Celebrities That  Meditate

Wynonna Judd claims that meditation and quieting the mind has led to her getting healthier, being happier, and increasing her creativity.

 Robin Williams, who is known for being very wound up and full of energy says he even finds ways to quiet his mind as it helps him to comeback refreshed and more creative

Spiritual Awakening: Meditation Videos

Today find a way to quiet your mind and thus you will find a way to be productive. There will be many people at The Spiritual Entrepreneurs Visionary Awards on 3/24 that can help you with techniques to quiet your mind and to be productive.



By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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