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Spiritual Awakening: Living On Purpose

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Spiritual Awakening: Living On Purpose

How many times do we ask what is my purpose? When  we awake and begin to realize that our true purpose is to be of service and value to all that we come in contact with and thus make our world a better place by helping others we truly grow and expand. Today I was out promoting The Spiritual Entrepreneurs Visionary Awards and went to Magics Arcade and as I stated I came to introduce myself the gentleman behind the counter said he wasn’t interested and isn’t buying anything. I answered with how silly are you going to be to not be open to receive and thus let an opportunity to bring business to you go by the wayside. After a dialogue he came around and thanked me.I left feeling that part of my purpose of helping other people excel was met as the next time someone comes into his business he may take this lesson and grow and expand thus creating more success for him and his business. The key is to know why did you open your business? Why are you doing what you are doing?

Spiritual Awakening: Finding Your Purpose

In Rick Warren’s Book, The Purpose Driven Life, he suggests you read a chapter a day for 40 days so as to undersatnd your purpose. A few ways to find your purpose are:

1: Find what makes you come alive and share it with the world

2: Answer what am I passion about

3: Discover things that give you the most joy

4: Find the things that inspire you

5: Take action

Spiritual Awakening: Making Your Purpose Known

So many times we shrink away from our purpose as we allow our fear of what others may think that we never expand our mission beyond our front door. You are in this world to be a shining light light of hope for others. By putting the fear asisde and taking action you will begin to see your purpose. In many cases our purpose is in our heart and we know what we were meant to do, however our mind thinks otherwise and all of the ideas that have created our belief system need to be rewired thus to allow our purpose to be known. I have been able to realize my purpose to help other people excel by being involved with The Jaycees, serving in The U.S. Peace Corps, working as a volunteer with The American Cancer Society. It was when i made the heart and mind connection that my purpose became clear and that is to improve people’s lives by being a beacon of hope and shining my light and being loving in all that I do.  What I do for myself will die with me but what I do for others will last long after I am gone has become a reminder to live my life on purpose. It is an everyday walk to live on purposem however at the end of the day I can look back and say I made a positive difference in the lives of those I came in contact with.

 I chose to close with this video as I was a U.S. Peace Corps Volunteer in The Philippines  and previously had been a volunteer with The Jaycees earning the highest honor a Jaycee member can be bestowed a Junior Chamber International Senatorship.  I have adopted the words of the creed and I have a creed that I see everyday before leaving my house to remind me to live life on purpose. I also like the song in the background as it also reminds me that time is precious and to use it purposely to be of service and value.

Live your life on purpose by reminding yourself that you are special and GOD put you on earth for a reason.


By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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