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Spiritual Awakening: Going For It

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JDOGG Goes For It as an Emcee

Spiritual Awakening: Going For It

How many times have you wanted to go for it and the voice in your head talks you out of it or a family member or friend puts down the idea and you foolishy listen to their input? This used to happen to me many times until the day I decided it doesn’t matter what others think what matters is that I believe in what I am doing and I will find a way to make it work.  I am reminded of the one legged wrestler, Anthony Robles who won The NCAA Wrestling Tournament at his weight class last year as he didn’t let people hold him back he went for it and he won.

Anthony Robles serves as an example to all us that lifes great treasure lies in human personality.

There are so many examples of people who went for it in all walks of life. Many follow the ideas that are expressed in this video.

I was speaking with  my mom yesterday(3/25) about the idea of painting fearlessly as she is a gifted artist who uses many mediums to express herself. The concept is to paint from what you are feeling with no regard or the idea of what other people will say or think because the art comes from you and you paint for you and noone else. In life going for it entails being like the painter who paints fearlessly. For some it is hard as they worry what will people think and as a result they hold back and never go for it. What is your go for it story?

I have several go for it stories however one of my favorites occured a few years ago when I was collecting for The American Cancer Society Relay for Life of East Boca Raton. I was determined to be named a STAR Supporter, someone who raises ateast $1500 in contributions and I walked into a doctor’s office who I had never met and introduced myself and told him what I was doing and he asked how much of a donation are you looking for?I answered whatever youa re comfortable with. He went into his office came out with a check for $100 and I was a step closer to STAR Supporter Status. Everywhere I went to collect I made it clear what my intention was and as  a result I made STAR Supporter status. Today I go for it not by focusing on wanting the recognition but in understading the mission. By making the mission the focus the recognition comes.

This year I am going for it with the mission to raise funds and awareness to help those affected by cancer. You can donate here by clicking on the tab support the mission to create a world with less cancer and more birthdays.

 Jennifer Hudson goes for it to help The American Cancer Society, The Official Sponsor of Birthdays.


When you want to do something and you believe in it follow your passion and go for it and see where it takes you.


 I chose to close with this video as it show a band who went for it. I hope you chose to go for it in all that you do.

By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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