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Spiritual Awakening: Dreaming Of Angels On A Rainy Night

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Spiritual Awakening: Dreaming of Angels On A Rainy Night

This blog post was inspired by Abba’s song I Have A Dream. As I sat in Starbucks on a rainy dark Friday Night after what was a challenging day as my car didn’t start and all my pland needed to be adjusted and then spending $246 on repairs which set me back a bit and put me in a finacial perdiciment that I wasn’t planning for I realized that many times when something negative occurs it is our belief in Angels and staying positive that comes through so I took a deep breath and  decided that I would write an entry to empower and inspire the reader.  I sat and began to take moment to look deep inside and to ask my angels to guide me and they all kept saying share your dreams and ask others to share their dreams.

My dream is for the angels to guide me to one day announce large sporting events like a Superbowl and to bring much joy to all those in attendance. This is a big dream and I know with the help of the angels that it can come true. When you seek guidance and support you can turn to your angels and the answers will appear. I think of so many times when I have asked the angels for guidance and they have directed me to the right place showing that everything is in divine order the way it should be.

 Enya reminds us that angels are listening to our dreams. The angels have messages and it is important for us to be in tune with these messages. Many times we find that angels walk amongst us.  When we stop to breathe and dream about our angels it is when we open up the gates to allow good things to flow through us and to come to us.

Spiritual Awakening: Famous Dreamers

How many of the people in this video can you identify. They all had big big dreams and followed them not allowing the nay sayers win. They may have had some help from their angels

How are you chasing your dreams? How are you following the angels messages?

1: Martin Luther King was perhaps the biggest dreamer of them all and we continue to strive to make his dream a reality.

2: Walt Disney made his dream and vision come to reality despite many obstacles and today his spirit radiates througout the various Disney Parks.

3: Roger Bannister dreamed of breaking the 4 minute barrier for The Mile and through hard work and dedication he did.

4: Kermit The Frog showed us all how to dream in The Muppet Movie by helping us to make a Rainbow Connection.

Spiritual Awakening: Dreamer Songs

Spiritual Awakening: Tools To Help You Connect To Your Angels and Your Dreams



 Sarah will help you find answers when you visit her at The Expedito Center

 Stop by and see Rev. Reckel Ferguson at Modern Zen to find your angel guides



 Deidre Abrami will help you make an angel connection

 Cynthia Segal is a great angel guide

 Carol Guy has aided many in reaching their dreams

Halley Elise is an empowerment Psychic helping you to live your dreams

Jill Dahne is a siughta fter Pyshic who has helped many to turn their dreams into reality.


There are many ways to find guidance from the angels. Seek those and the materials that truly resonate with you.







By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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