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Spiritual Awakening: The Balancing Act

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Spiritual Awakening: The Balancing Act


You hear it all the time I want a balanced budget, eat a balanced diet, create a balanced life and thus it all becomes a balancing act. The balancing act is very important when creating the life you want. The key is to answer the question of how do you achieve the balance that you desire?  An answer that I have come up with is to measure your finances, your health,  and your spirituality ona a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being the least desirable and 10 being the most desirable then take action to improve the areas so everything is the positive and moving toward the 10 on all levels. For example your finances are at a 5 your health at an 8 and your spirituality at an 8 so your goal is to get the finances to an 8. The question becomes what do I do to bring the finances up? Here are some tips:

1: Envision a money tree where you can pull the money you desire off and then it will be replenished. In some cases you may want to create an actual physical money tree and each time you take a leaf off you replace it so you create a circular flow of money.

 2: Understand the way you look at money and how you approach money instead of saying I need $100 think I will create a $100 through my actions. Many times it is not how what we say but how we say it.

3: Do what Ken Esrig suggests in Start From Where You Are and create a dollar bill sandwich where you put your name on the top of a piece of paper with 5 dollar signs on each side of your nameand then write down a dollar amount you want to earn in the month then write down action steps to take to bring this to fruition. This is what Ken calls putting yourself in a dollar bill sandwich.

Before you know it your finances will improve because you look at money in a different light.

Your health is at an 8 and you want it at a ten thus you desire to:

1:  Eat Healthier

2: Exercise More


Your Spirituality is at an 8 and you desire to bring it to a 10 thus you,

 1: You begin to meditate more and open up you chakras to receive positive energy.

2: You begin to carry stones to help you with your centering and balancing.

3: You begin to set aside moments to apply what you have learned.

As the balancing act gets easier and easier you begin to make your mind, body, soul connection and thus you begin to create the balance that you seek financially, healthy, and spirituality.

Spiritual Awakening: Tools To Help In The Balancing Act

 You are the biggest asset you have as you know what your desires are and what you get to do inorder to achieve balance. I have found that having a morning ritual helps in the balancing act, sometimes your plans change and you adapt and tweek the plans and you find that everything still gets accomplished. For example the visit from my dad today (10/31/12), I didn’t expect him, however we eneded up going to lunch and having a great few hours together. I then focused on what I had planned to do and though the perception was that I was behind the reality was that I was actually ahead becuase I was able to balance family with business.


Affirmations are a great tool to have to help you in your balancing act.

Music can be a great help in achieving balance.

The Juggling Act 

Books such as the ones above can be of assistance in creating your balancing act. Many personal development books are available by clicking The Hay House Link on this site. When you click on the link and make a purchase you are helping to create a world with less cancer and more birthdays.

As you continue on your path may you find balance in all aspects of your life.

By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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