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Spiritual Awakening: Lessons Learned From The Courthouse!

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Spiritual Awakening: Lessons Learned From The Courthouse!


This post was inspired by the course of events surroiunding my ticket for failure to stop at a stop sign. It was a beautiful morning and I left my home to go work with a client, my mind turned towards my mother who passed on July 5, 2012 as a song came on the radio that really struck an emotional cord with me and I missed the stop sign in my development. I explained that to the officer and he said I am sorry but I have to write the ticket. I later found out from a law enforcement source that traffic citations are at the discretion of the officer. I immediately went to a ticket defense attorney paid $79 and today (11/14/12) I had court. I showed up dressed in professional business attire. I witnessed people in jeans and teeshirts, shorts and sandals, and other various dress that some may consider inappropriate for court. I was amazed by the behavior of some and how they didn’t comprehend the judges instructions. I sat quietly keeping myself centered and grounded. I did not hear my name called and waited to see the judge who instructed me to see the counselor seeated at a table who represented the law firm I hired. I explained to him the situation and I pleaded no contest and the ruling was adjudication with held no points and $125 in court costs(If anyone wants to donate to help pay the fine please use paypal and to do so). I went down stairs to the clerk of the courts and paid the fine. While waiting to pay the fine I witnessed behavior that was quite negative by others. I didn’t say anything I took a deep breath and waited to be called. I went to the window with paperwork and check in hand and the lady behind the window said wow someone who is prepared. I waited for the receipt and as I left I realized that many people in our country need a spiritual awakening.

 The first lesson I learned is that we need to be accountable for our actions be prepared to face the consequences. I ran the stop sign and am responsible despite the reason I didn’t stop. Yes I would rather have used the $125 for other things like a personaldevelopment book, or a massage, or a healing seesion, however being able to pay and put the ticket behind me and take responsibility allows me to move forward with my goals.

 The second lesson that I learned was not to blame others and realize the way things are and the way things should be are two different things. I was thinkibg all the while that I waiting to pay they should print the serenity prayer on back of all the receipts. I also thought there should be a sign that reads stop playing the blame game you made the decision now own up to it.

 The 3rd lesson I learned was patience as I knew all would work out in the end and  I would be able to go about my day with the idea of shining my light wherever I went after court.

 As I left the courthose I stopped by the railing that overlooked the lake and just started to breathe and get myself back to a place of positivity. As I looked to my right I saw a father with his kids and the kids were amazed by the amount of fish in the lake and I started to point out the turtles and the little girls said we counted 6 do you them. This made me smile and quickly I went from being upset to be joyful as the stop-sign ticket incident was now behind me. I learned that regardless of what happens there is very little we can control and that sometimes the best thing todo is to let go and let things play out.


As a way to laugh and move forawrd I have selected songs with the word stop in them as one of the best things we can do is take the lesson from running a stop sign to stop and get ourselves centered and grounded.

What lessons are you learning from your expereinces and how are they serving you? If they are not serving you let them go and move forward in a positive fasshion remembering that Passion + Action = Success.  Inside each of us is a power to learn and apply what we have learned to positivily enhance our lives and the lives of others.

Say Goodbye to the person you once were and start to become the person you are meant to be.




By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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