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Spiritual Awakening: Finding The Positive

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Spiritual Awakening: Finding The Positive!!!

 As I sat down to write this blog entry today I reflected back on the last entry about shifting and how it affects us as we continue to develop our spirituality through our spiritual awakening. I then began to look at where I was and what I was doing and realized how many people were doing the same thing and what could I do to help them find the positive. I then started to reflect on the events of Friday january 25, 2013 and realized that the reason I was having dificulty in obtaining donations for The American Cancer Society is that I was putting the wrong energy out into the universe for it was not my place to point out to the gentleman at Dominick’s Pizza that he needs to understand that everyoen walking into his extablishment is a potential customerand that if he chooses to act the way he did then all I have to do is breathe and walk away. By understanding this I began to let go of the negative encounters and began to celebrate and remember the good encounters like the ladies at Today’s Hair and Nails for their warmth and support or Jason at Lindburgers who was open and receptive to the idea of helping with Relay for Life. I then realized instead of being disappointed with the Facebook Friends who I know personally who haven’t donated to be grateful and continue to thank those who did donate. As I further reflected I realized that it is the vibration that we give off on many ocaasions that we attract back to us.  If we are disappointed more disappointment will be throust in our direction, however if we are grateful more will be given to us to be grateful for.  I now look at all those no’s as getting closer to someone who will say yes and who will resonate with my message and want to support my efforts.

 The thoughts we put out their will determine what we receive in return.If we think we are not worthy others will think tat and treat us acoordingly, however if we believe we are of service and value and we carry ourselves it such a way that we are perceived as being of service and value we will be treated as such. The main thing to remember is that we emit energy and when we emit positive energy more positive is given to us and thus it is always important to find the positive in everything. This is difficult at times as we allow our human feelings and our limiting beliefs to get in the way. The way to combat this is to thinkof things you are grateful for and to continue show gratitude for what is haoppening for you. Notice I did not say happening to you as everything happens for you and when you take a moment you see the positive many times it may be an expensive lesson that wakes you up and gets you back on track or sometimes it is something very simple that gets you back to finding the positive.

Spritual Awakening: Tool To Finding The Positive

 The best tool you have is you as you can choose to be grateful for what you have and show gratitude, love how things are going and express it, forgive yourself for mistakes and apply what you learned, many of the tools you seek are inside of you. Many times all it takes to find the positive is some quiet alone time to remind yourself just how special you are and how appreciative you are to have the gifts God gave you. We all have gifts that when used for good bring positivity into our life.

            Books like these can help us find the positive in all that comes our way simply by applying the principles that we read.  It is when we truy seek to be positive that positivity begins to enter our lives and allows us the opportunity to expand.

 Meditation and Prayer are important tools to have to find the positive that lies within us.

    Using incense and crystals or stones and having spiritual figurines in a sacred space that you create as your space to find the positive will help you to become more awakenened and enlightened as you continue on your spiritual quest.

Many times it is just realizing to open your arms is to allow for positive change.

 I chose to close with this video as a reminder to use the affirmations to create the positive life that you desire. It is my hope that you will choose to stay positive today.



By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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