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Spiritual Awakening: The Name Game!!!

Spiritual Awakening: The Name Game!!!


 As I sat down to write this blog and further explore the spiritual awakening process I kept hearing the message of uniqueness and names. The first song that came to mind was Jim Croce’s I’ve Got A Name as it reminds us that we are all unique in our own right and our name has significance. I sat an pondered the meaning of my name Jonathan, which translates into sent from GOD. I then began to take some action and explore my Hebrew Name Yusel Simcha, which translates into Jonathan The Blessing.  As I began to think about my name I began to reflect on the many things that have unfolded in my life and the work I have been doing to help others since I was very young. I began to realize that the name I have become most comfortable with is Jonathan. It took a big transformation to accept this name and use it as when I was younger I did not like it and shortened it to Jon and then one day it came to me that GOD directed my mother to give me the name Jonathan and I started using it ever since embracing it and its meaning.  In playing games with my name I also began to realize that regardless of how we address GOD and the name we call him by GOD knows us by our name and watches over us to insure that we can create the prosperity that is our birthright.

 Tommy Walker reminds us that GOD knows our name and that he watches us. Some may call this GOD source, spirit, universe,higher power, higher being, Allah, Buddah, Jesus. It does not matter what you call GOD what matters is that you forge a relationship with GOD and that you remember he knows your name and wants you to be successful.

Action Takers Anthems Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community Emotions Facts of Life Feelings Finishing Flow Forgivness Gratitude Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Nature Never Giving Uo Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivity Potential Power Power Sources Prasyer Purpose Reflections Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Time Out Uncategorized Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Always Be Available!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Always Be Available!!!

   In my spiritual awakening I have found that it is important to make yourself available for others. It is true you can not be available all the time and sometimes there are scheduling conflicts, however if you can be flexible and make yourself available you will find that positive things begin to happen. I often thought why would businesses be open 24 hours and then I realized that sometimes a person needs something and the only place to get it is from a place that is open 24 hours.  Personally it is hard to be open 24 hours as you do need time to rest, relax, and rejuvenate so you can be of service and value to others. When planning your work and working your plan you should make sure you have a bit of flexibility so that you can be open for others as you never know what can transpire when you are open.

 You can control your time and the better you control the time the more successful you will be. I hear people all the time say this is not a good time or I am too busy or I am in a meeting when I call them. So I begin to ask when is a good time to connect with you. If you tell me 3:00 PM on Friday and I call you at 3:00 PM on Friday and you again tell me it is not a good time then I put the ball in your court and allow you to make the next call  when you are ready. Ask yourself how many opportunities did you miss out on because you made an excuse about time.  It all comes down to being spiritually awake and aware that everyone’s time matters and the better respect we have for time the more successes we will encounter. By making time you will find that positive things happen. Sometimes you will have to adjust accordingly as many things occur to through off the best laid plans of mice and me. The question you should ask is what do you do when the expected occurs?

Action Takers Anthems calling Change Come Alive Community Dreams Emotions Feelings

Spiritual Awakening: Making Memories!!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Making Memories!!!

 Today I was thinking about spiritual awakening and that each time we walk our path and each time we shine our light that we are making memories. It is in documenting the memories that we begin to grow and learn for we can see the good times and the challenging times. When we face the challenging times and come through them then we are able to share our story with others and inspire and empower others to take action. We can so it through songs like this by Warrant and create anthems to live by or be awakened by. Sometimes we try to go back to the way we were and then we realize that there is no going back, however any positive memories can be used to drive us forward and make our experiences brighter as we answer our calling.

 As I watched this video I was reminded that we all have a power to inspire and empower and to create memories and leave a legacy for others. It is stepping into this power that we truly expand and impact the lives of those we come in contact with and beyond. It is creating and coming alive that we begin to leave memories that will enhance the lives of others.  In many cases we will be able to pay tribute to those who helped us create these memories. Today hug a loved one if you can and if they are far away visit and send them a virtual hug. If the person who helped you to create memories is deceased step outside into nature find a quiet place and thank them. As you sit in silence showing gratitude you will receive messages that will assist you in creating more memories.

 As Jim Croce teaches us that many times all we have are photographs and memories, however sometimes the photographs are lost and all that we have are the mental pictures of the way things were. In loss the greatest of photos you realize just how important your memories are.

 Many times we can take a moment to put on a song like this from Barbara Streisand, take out our pad and start to free write and thus create a legacy for others so they see who we were and what we did. In making memories we begin to touch lives, and show people that dreams can come true. We shine our light and others see our light and become inspired to create memories and as these memories are encrypted into our brains we draw on them to propel us forward on our journey to create those memories.

 As the day progresses be glad and rejoice in it making memories.


 As you make memories let them be positive and beneficial to all people. Remember what you do for others lives long after you are gone so leave a good memory.



Action Takers Anthems Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community Dreams Emotions Feelings Fellowship Finishing Flow Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Lessons Learned Lifting Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Music Never Giving Uo Peace Positivity Potential Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Service and Value Sharing Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Staying Alive Success Synergy Talents The Journey

Spiritual Awakening: Jim Croce Reminds Us Of Our Uniqueness!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Jim Croce Reminds Us Of Our Uniqueness!!!


 In his song I Got A Name, Jim Croce, reminds us of our uniqueness and our responsibility to share our talents with the world.  I recently found out that my name Jonathan means sent from GOD and that my Hebrew Name Yussel Simcha means John The Blessing. I reflected and decided that it was time to embrace this calling and to take action by having an awakening that I have the ability to change the world and improve the human condition by simply embracing my uniqueness. I ask you what makes you unique, how do you stand out what tallents do you have that you are not sharing? What is stopping you from coming alive and making your community a better place? What dreams have you put on hold because someone was discouraging instead of encouraging?

Anthems Awakening calling Fellowship Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor Inspiration Lifting Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Music Peace Positivity Potential Power Power Sources Prasyer Purpose Reflections Sharing Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Success Synergy Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: What Call Are You Placing?

 Jim Croce talks about placing a call to find a long lost girlfriend in his song Operator.

Spiritual Awakening: What Call Are You Placing?

As I listened to Jim Croce’s Operator I began to think what call are we placing and how are we being perceived when we make the call.  I have a friend Cynthia Segal who helps to place a great call to help people enhance their personal and professional life. She has a site She has been named one of the top psychics in the world. When you call her and she makes the special call for you she will give you the messages she receives. Then it is up to you to follow through and take action remembering that Passion + Action = Success.

 Blondie reaches out and asks yiou to place a call and call her anytime.

Spiritual Awakening: Types of Calls

I utilize my phone in many situations and each time befor I dial I get myslef centered and grounded and prepare by asking what call am a I making:

1: The Invitation- The call where you are inviting someone to attend an event. Make sure to explain why it will be beneficial to them.

2: The Donation- The call where you are asking for support of a project or cause. Make sure you touch the heart of the person you are speaking with.

3: The Thinking About You Call.  A short call to remind someone they are important