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Spiritual Awakening: Kindness Begets Kindness!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Kindness Begets Kindness!!!

... Self Care Challenge for today: Perform a random act of kindnesskindnessActs of Kindness As the news stories broke and all the acts of violence I kept thinking where are the stories of kindness.  Through the spiritual awakening process I have learned that what we focus on expands so if we focus on violence and aggression that this is what we will see but if we focus on kindness and caring this is what we will see. I believe no is the time for people to take action and to be kind to one another. It is time to adopt an anthem to be loving and caring in all we do and to show kindness through our actions. I was at Taco Bell yesterday and the cashier asked if I would like to donate $1 to help end world hunger. I gladly gave the $1 as GOD loves a cheerful giver and I told the cashier next time ask if I would like to help feed people. It is the same question phrased differently but the universe responds better when we use positive words. I have been promoting The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of West Boca Raton and they adopted a theme of Finish The Fight which sounds great and gets many people’s attention but it goes against spiritual principles because what you resist will persist so now instead of saying Finish The Fight I ask please help me help those touched by cancer get back on a path to health and wellness. In making this shift I have seen better results in my fundraising efforts. The website to help those affected by cancer and to give generously is  Ask yourself how are you phrasing things and how are your words impeding kindness to flow to you and from you.

Courtesy of the Random Acts of Kindness FoundationThe Kindness WaveI have found that when I make a conscious decision to be kind in whatever I do that I find more success. I have learned during the spiritual awakening process that it is important to be nice regardless of the situation. When you feel yourself  moving away from your kindness zone  take a deep breathe and  be nice. I have learned that people will not always treat you the way you want to be treated  be kind to them anyway.  I host a TV Show, The Anything Bucket, on that airs on Tuesday at 6:30 PM EST. One of my responsibilities is to secure guests. I am a bit surprised by people when they turn down the opportunity to be on the show. I find myself being a bit critical  then I realize that this does not serve me well so I remember the teachings that some will, some won’t, some waiting, so what, next. I also remember that it is not my job to drag them kicking and screaming along the path but to rather shine my light and show them that there is room on the path and when they are ready they can start. In learning to be kind and focus on the positive I am able to evolve spiritually and thus improve my life and be of service and value to others.

Action Takers Anthems Award Winners Come Alive Dreams Greatness Honor Inspiration Lifting Limitless Beliefs Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Never Giving Uo Positivity Power Prasyer Purpose Service and Value Signals Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Entrepreneurs Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Uncategorized Vision Winning Women Power

Spiritual Awakening: How To Make The Mind Body Soul Connection?




I am often asked, JDOGG, How do you make the mind body soul connection. I usually answer with the Norman Vincent Peale quote “What the mind can conceive, the heart can believe, and you can achieve it.”   In May of 2011 I conceived an idea to host The Spiritual Entrepreneurs Visionary Awards and I beleived in my heart that this event was meant to take place and on March 24.2012 the event was held. It was an incredible day of learning how to make The Mind Body Soul Connection. Dr. Mia Merritt spoke about helping others and following your mission. Sarah Spiritual gave an inspiring presentation about connecting with source, Ernest Chu spoke about using spiritual capital, Angelika Christie spoke about overcoming fear, Ken Esrig spoke about starting from where you are. All the speakers sent a message that resonated with those in attendance. The Honorees, which are listed under the tab Meet The SEVA Honorees are amazing. When it was all done a donation of $218 was made to The Reaching Out To Cancer Kids Program.

The next week I attended Vision Quest 2012 and it was amazing how many people were their again learning to make the mind body and soul connection. One of the highlights for me was doing a breakthrough, which was captured on this video.