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Spiritual Awakening: Larger Than Life!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Larger Than Life!!!

As you awaken spiritually you will find many times when your actions are truly larger than life as you are touching lives that you do not even know about. When you take action to be of service and value to others you are beginning to see that you positive actions have a ripple effect that change the vibration that you are resonating at and thus you begin to attract the people and resources necessary to move forward in a positive direction of your dream making you larger than life. As you begin to truly embrace the concept that you are a divine child of GOD and that GOD’s plans for you are larger than life you will find yourself more centered, focused, and grounded thus achieving things that you thought were once impossible. When you look at the the word impossible split it up and it say I am possible. When you realize that you are capable of great things you become larger than life. In becoming larger than life by focusing on others and how you can lift them up you expand the realm of kindness and thus create positive changes that make the world a kinder place where people look to be of service and value to each other.

When you reflect back on your life what will be the moments that stand out and made you feel larger than life? Will you be pointing fingers and passing the blame or will you accept the responsibility of your actions and hold yourself accountable? As you evolve through the spiritual awakening process you will find yourself coming alive and becoming larger than life. As you begin to live in the moment you will  clear blockages so that you can become larger than life. Once you clear out the negativity you will find yourself moving forward in a positive direction of your dreams. As you begin to detach from things and remove the emotional baggage that has been holding you back you will see how you can transform not only your life but the lives of others. When we check our EGO at the door and stop Edging God Out and truly celebrate that we are larger than life we are able to have a positive impact in the lives of all those that we come in contact with through out the day. I have stated many times in this blog that it is not about the fancy cars, the expensive designer clothes, or the big house it is about being larger than life by being loving and caring in all that you do. It is when you find your purpose and commit to living a life of purpose that you truly find peace, love, joy, and prosperity. It is when we find ourselves giving that we also receive as we become larger than life.