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Spiritual Awakening: Doing A Time Warp!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Doing A Time Warp!!!


   When that spiritual awakening occurs and you begin to realize that it is when you use your time in a wise manner that you enrich your personal and professional you begin your journey to understand time. In understanding that everyone is given the same amount of time each day to use and those that use it in a productive manner tend to find a spiritual bliss that leads to a spiritual awakening and an expansion of the mind, body, soul connection. As I listened to Al Stewart’s Time Passages I came to the realization that each day one should seek time to reflect and thus see where they had success and where they should seek improvement.  It is the use of our time that we begin to discover how to better use our spiritual gifts and thus improve our personal and professional life while also enhancing the lives of others. A great thing to do in the morning is to write down the statement Today I Will Make Time to_____________. BY doing this you set an intention and thus put out the vibes to the universe of what you desire to do and as a result when you take the time to do what you made time to do you expand in spirituality and thus grow personally and professionally. It is in the making of time to do something that you enjoy that you show the universe that you value yourself and thus others will value you.  It is in the taking of action to do for yourself that you set in motion the circumstances necessary to further your personal and spiritual growth.

 In the movie Dirty Dancing the viewer learns that it is in taking the time to care for another and time to practice that leads to a stronger relationship. When we take time to pursue our goals and our dreams we put ourselves on a path to enlightenment that leads to the spiritual awakening which leads to having a peaceful and joyous life. If you plan your work and work your plan and adjust as needed you find success as you grow personally and spiritually. It is finding a way to have the tine of your life that you find peace, love, joy, and prosperity. It is in the making of time to co-create and support others that your creations come to fruition and you receive support.