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Spiritual Awakening: Jumping Through Hoops!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Jumping Through Hoops!!!

     Have you ever felt like you were jumping through major hoops in order to move forward along your spiritual path? Today (2/6/2020) I awoke to find my car was toed to the clubhouse parking lot at my condo as they are seal coating the parking lot and I thought I parked at an assigned area when I did not. I went to the office to get the parking sticker for my car so that I can park legally at my complex. What should have been a simple process took a little time and it felt like I was jumping through hoops. I then ventured to Publix to turn some change into cash to donate to The American Cancer Society as part of The Change For The Cure Program. The machine jammed and I needed to get an attendant to help me. The young lady cleared the machine and I have $13 to turn in to help those touched by cancer. My job has been a bit challenging as we have been slow and changes are happening and it seems like I am jumping through hoops just to do the job properly. Through all the trials and tribulations I have been able to tap into my spiritual teachings and take a deep breath and realize that in the scheme of things it is when we face challenges with dignity and grace that we can take action to overcome all the obstacles that are preventing us from living the life we want. I have come to understand that the way things are and the way things should be are two different things. I have come to realize that in being spiritually awake that there will be people that are not as evolved as you and many will not understand that they have a higher calling as they have not tapped into their inner divinity. In the past I would have gotten angry but today (2/2/2020) I simply jumped through the hoops kept my cool and as a result was able to share that I sell mattresses with someone who then told me they are looking for 2 mattresses. As I reflected back on the happenings of today (2/6/2020) it reinforced the idea that if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it. In jumping through hoops I have found that sometimes you just need Jesus to take the wheel.