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Spiritual Awakening: Spitting Fire!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Spitting Fire!!!

What is lighting your fire and igniting your passion? In each of us we have  a fire that once awakened is unstoppable. As long as we are spiritual awake and aware all we need is a small burning ember to live our life on purpose.  It is amazing when we can use that fire below for the betterment of ourselves and others. When we discover our purpose and light our fire we are able to move passionately in the direction of our dreams. It is when we begin to spit fire that we are able to shine our light so bright that the entire world is illuminated. The fire and passion that we bring to our daily endeavors determines the outcome of our day.
When we go deep into the ring of fire we are ignited with a deeper understanding so that we can attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity. When we find like minded people who believe that peace, love, and understanding should rule the day  we begin to be filled with a burning desire to be of service and value. As a result of having a burning heart and starting our own fir we begin to manifest the life that we desire by simply being filled with a divine fire that allows us to achieve what we once perceived to be impossible. It is when we are so consumed by the fire that we are able to ignite a burning flame that never burns out and inspires others.
Once you have a burning heart it is important to take action and follow your instincts by heeding the messages from above. It is when you answer your calling that you can make changes in your life and in the lives of others. When you put your heart into everything you do the fire inside of you will become an inferno and allow you to deliver a message of hope and healing to the world.