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Spiritual Awakening: Excercising The Body Safely!!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Exercising The Body Safely!!!!


I want to thank Dana Gore for this guest post to help those who are having a  spiritual awakening to exercise their body safely.

Awakening to the Concept of Exercise Safety

For many of you, the idea of participating in a health and fitness program represents an image that focuses on thin vs. well, not thin. It’s geared toward the need for weight-loss and requires making significant and unpleasant “sacrifices” in order to finally get permission to like yourself. You may even be reading this right now and nodding your head in agreement, because this has been the story of your life.

It certainly was the story of my life.

But what if I told you that there is a spiritual component that works in harmony with the concept of healthy-living that could shift your entire mindset and therefore, your reality, toward one filled with personal empowerment? Would you have any interest in reading further?

What if I told you that your life may depend on it?

Ok, cool. Now that I have your attention…

When we believe what society tells us – that we have to look a certain way in order to be loved and accepted – we tend to get sort of depressed. We think there’s something wrong with us. That we don’t live up to a standard of existing that warrants us the feeling of being worthy.

I mean, let’s face it…if a celebrity’s imperfections are going to be ridiculed and/or airbrushed away as if they didn’t exist, then what’s to stop the rest of us from judging ourselves? What’s to prevent us from believing that


It’s this perception that influences us to make decisions about our well-being from a place of desperation. This is where we get careless.

Answer this:

When you are unhappy with your body – I mean really unhappy – aren’t you in a mega hurry to Get. This. Weight. Off. Now? Don’t you, just about, throw all caution to the wind and do whatever it takes to get what you want?

Like yesterday?

Most people do. When the girl/guy they desire doesn’t notice they’re alive. When the family matriarch – from her ever-endearing “I’m just being honest” place – asks you in front of your family why you’re so fat? (True example by the way). Or when your friends tell you they’ve booked a last minute trip to Vegas with you and you realize you wouldn’t be caught dead in a swimsuit or an evening gown (another true story – although not mine).

These are just a few examples of the pain that drives our decisions. We’re focused on how much we detest the result of who we are, so we react to it.


When we aren’t at peace within ourselves – when we hate our bodies, we feel miserable. So in a society that makes appealing promises of instant gratification, we make hurried and uneducated decisions to get what we want.

Why should this matter?

Because when it comes to our health and well-being, awareness is our friend.

  • Do you know how to choose a fitness program based on your level of ability?
  • Are you aware of any possible contraindications you may have to exercise?
  • Do you know how to choose a qualified fitness or nutrition professional?
  • Do you know what “Special Populations” means and if you fall into this category (and why it matters)?
  • Do you know what proper progression stands for and how it relates to injury?
  • How to decipher between “good and bad” exercise pain?

These are important topics that come into play when making decisions about our bodies, but are often, and unfortunately, ignored when those very decisions are being made out of desperation.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. There is an alternative.


All it takes to move away from the aforementioned perspective and toward one of self-empowerment is the act of facing who we are, how we got to this point, and asking ourselves who we would prefer to be.

Are you happy being someone who constantly reacts to life and feels like a victim? Or would you rather be someone who has their own best interests at heart and treats themselves with the dignity and respect that we are all worthy of?


What would life be like for you if you cared about your well-being? If you simply became the person who naturally preferred to be active? To be someone who, out of sheer desire, preferred the leafy green salad filled with the delicious nutrients that powered their every cell with the energy of life – instead of the person who settles for the diet food because they are on restriction?

Does that persona seem more appealing? Because it’s not only possible to become that person, it’s a responsibility. It’s our job, as participants in this world, to become living examples of the joy we all desire.

From this perspective, we are more interested in achieving optimal health. We adjust our lifestyles to enable the habits that naturally result in being slim and energized.

We make informed decisions about our well-being because we are focused on loving, rather than detesting ourselves.

We are aware

And we ARE worthy.


If you enjoyed this article, you will LOVE these:


Hey –

Since you read the entire article (good for you!)– check out the video trailer of A Simple Guide to Exercise Safety (What You Don’t Know CAN Hurt You). Stay Safe. Be Aware.



About the Author

  Creator of I Choose Awareness and author of the book “A Simple Guide to Exercise Safety – (What You Don’t Know CAN Hurt You)”, Dana Gore completed the curriculum at Fitness Institute International, Inc. as an outstanding graduate in 2009.

Having suffered from eating disorders in the past which caused her weight to balloon to over 200 pounds, Dana realized it was time for a major lifestyle overhaul. Once she discovered Fitness Institute, her life took on new meaning.

Armed with credible information about Exercise Science, Dana aims to bring guidance to the public about how to achieve optimal health in a safe and structured manner. She believes that the body follows the guidance and instruction of the mind and spirit. She inspires her readers to seek inner-peace as a means to well-being in all areas of life.













Action Takers Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community Emotions Finishing Flow Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Life Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Music Peace Positivity Potential Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Staying Alive Stones and Crystals Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Time Out Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Are You Using Your Time Outs Effectively?

Spiritual Awakening: Are You Using Your Time Outs Effectively?

    Most of the people that watch sports will recognize the time out signal. After reading about George Carl and his battle with cancer  I began to contemplate the way we use our time outs in life and are we using them effectively. A coach is often criticized for not taking a time out at a crucial part of the game. In this game of life that we are actively participating how many time outs are we missing out on.

A few years ago I wrote the following poem, which explains these photos.

Take Time Out

By Jonathan Steven Lederman

Take time out to see a sunrise

a new day

Take time out to hear a baby’s cry

a new life

Take time out to feel a brick wall

a hardship

Take time out to taste an icecream cone

a happy moment

Take time out to smell a red rose

an emblem of love

Take time out to experience the good things life

Anthems Awakening calling Change Come Alive Dreams Emotions Feelings Finishing Flow Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor Inspiration Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Music Peace Positivity Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Sharing Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Success Synergy Talents Vibrations Winning

Spiritual Awakening: What Is At The End Of Your Rainbow?

Spiritual Awakening: What Is At The End of Your Rainbow?

Forget food trends eat the rainbow. This post was inspired by Becca Tebon, The F.I.T. Preneurs, who was on Get Motivated Withe Jonathan JDOGG Lederman, which is heard on Monday from 7-8 PM EDT at, and made the statement about to be healthy you want to eat the rainbow. I then began to comtemplate what is at the end of the rainbow and I determined it was not just a pot of gold but a pot also filled with better health and wellness. Being in good health and having good physical and mental wellness are an integral part in expanding the mind, body, and soul connection. The following is a guide to help you eat the rainbow.

 Eating healthier and making better choices will lead to your pot of gold as studies have shown that healthier people tend to make more money than unhealthy people.

Action Takers Awakening calling Finishing Flow Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor Inspiration Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Music Peace Positivity Potential Power Power Sources Prasyer Purpose Reflections Sharing Signals Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Staying Alive Success Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Can Oreos Bring Happiness?

Spiritual Awakening: Can Oreos Bring Happiness?

I was feeling a bit down today as certain aspects of my life seemed out of balance and then my mom called and we had a difficult conversation and then I began to make phone calls to set appointments for one of my clients as ran into a whole lot of rejection. It was at that moment that I took a deep breath and started to think put a smile on my face and make plans after it is all done for the day to go to my clubhouse and grab some oreos and an iced tea. As I started to eat the first Oreo a sense of joy came over me, which got me to thinkig can Oreos bring happiness? The answer is not that the Oreos were bringing happiness it was what they represented that brought happiness as they represented a joyful time when I would open up the Oreos take them appart and lick out the filling and this memory helped me to make a shift and realize that as challanging as things are at times you can find happiness in something as easy as an Oreo.

 I know for many of my readers who are into health and wellness the choice of oreos to bring happiness is not the best so I am seeking alternatives and have  found a few: