Action Takers Ascended Masters Awakening calling Change

Spiritual Awakening: Minute By Minute!!!

Spiritual Awakening:!!!

Every day gives us a chance to move minute by minute along our spiritual path making some adjustments along the way. As many of you who have become loyal readers of this blog know I have been dealing with some medical issues. Well today (9/5/2018) my primary care physician informed me that my A1C was 6.6 making me officially a diabetic. Not the label I was hoping for however we discussed the next step and determined that for now I would change my food choices and do my best to maintain a normal blood sugar range. As I left the doctor’s office I began to realize that here is another spiritual awakening telling me to take action as it relates to my health and to take each day minute by minute by being conscious of my decisions and the effects they are having on my mental and physical well being. As I arrived home I knew that I had to become an action taker and that it was time to receive the message from GOD that he wants me healthy as he has some plans for me that are not complete at this time. In sitting in meditation and receiving the message to take things minute by minute I have come to understand now more than ever the importance of letting go and letting GOD. In coming to the realization that if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it I have been able to start making better choices that will lead to my personal and professional life being enhanced. As I have consulted The Ascended Masters, GOD, Jesus, and The Angels I have come to embrace this latest awakening telling me to follow my calling by making changes in my life that will allow me to carry out the plans that GOD has for me. In taking things minute by minute I have learned that to every season there is a purpose under heaven.