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Spiritual Awakening: Using The Pause Button

Spiritual Awakening: Using The Pause Button


This post was inspired by a session I did with someone who kept piling on one issue after another and it became like a massive cd recording so I stated let’s use our pause button and slow down and get to the issues one at a time.  As I began to use waht I call Using The Pause Button I began to realize that most of us all just need to pause from time to time and breathe and thus change how we are dealing with issues. The issues can be resolved when we pause and begin to remove the emotional charges associated with them.

 When we choose to use the pause button we often find what The Big Issue is. Many times it is our own conflict of how we think things should be and how they are. The key is to pause and understand there is a big difference between these and that is when we pause and find tools that can help us overcome the issue. For example you are working for someone and after a few days they send the human resource person over to the site to let you know that in their eyes you aren’t meeting their expectations and they are letting you go.  You get angry and don’t understand, however on your drive home you pause and seek guidance from source/GOD and you realize that this happened as he had bigger plans for you. You then look inside and find that there is a pattern of self sabatoge that you desire to change and you begin to take action steps to change and you soon see better outcomes.