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Spiritual Awakening: Inside Out and Upside Down!!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Inside Out and Upside Down!!!


As one begins to awaken spiritual they will realize that there will be many things that turn them upside down and inside out. As they begin to eliminate these things and move forward while taking action not to be turned inside out or upside down they will awaken more and grow in mind, body, and spirit. In life we will see things that are inside out and inside out  and feel there is nothing we can do to change things when in reality you can take action to change things by changing yourself. You can begin to look at things from a different perspective and start sharing your views in a positive manner .  It  is when we look beyond the outer and into the inner that we are able to effect change simply by making a positive shift in our lives.  Sometimes we have to be turned upside down and inside out so that we can get in better touch with our divinity in order to be guided by GOD whose plans for us are far greater than our own.

When we recover from being turned upside down and inside out it is important to work on getting stronger everyday.  This week I was turned inside out and upside down literally and figuratively. On Tuesday the phone rings it is my financial adviser’s office asking if I sent an email requesting a transfer of funds for a substantial amount of money. I replied no to which she said I am glad I din’t just fulfill this order. I said I am too let’s put a note on the account that only verbal instructions from me done via phone or in person by me are to be followed. I had a suspicion of who it was so I confronted them and the response I received further proved to me that you must choose who you work with wisely as many are not as spiritually evolved or in tune as they profess to be. On Thursday after seeing my doctor on Wednesday I had a very bad medical episode which I haven’t had in years as I became severely light headed with the chills so I laid down and went in and out of consciousness. I took this as a sign to slow down and evaluate my personal, professional, and spiritual life. As the chills went away and the headaches subsided and I began to feel better I began to realize that I must not allow myself to be turned inside out and that I must work on getting stronger mentally, physically and spiritually and that I must realize that my happiness is up to me and GOD and that I must work on me before I can help anyone else excel.