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Spiritual Awakening: Throw It Away!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Throw It Away!!!

As I was cleaning up my condo and throwing the things that no longer serve me away I began to think of how important it is to throw that which no longer serves away you. Through the spiritual awakening process you will find it easier to throw away what I call trash like items that are old, people who don’t make you feel good, activities that trigger negativity, haters, doubters, naysayers, things that are not good for you. The other day I bought what I thought was a healthy choice for bread as I purchased Italian Hoagie Rolls. After reading about them and speaking to a friend I threw them away as they are filled with carbohydrates that turn into sugar and  thus negatively impacts my Type 2 Diabetes. As I threw them away I made a commitment to not eat bread for a while. In making the decision to not eat bread I came to realize that sometimes you simply have to throw away the foods that no longer serve you. In my journey to become healthier and throw that which no longer serves me I have become an action taker which has led me to feeling better about myself which has improved my personal, professional, and spiritual life. I encourage you to take action to remove the blockages in your life that are preventing you from attracting peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your daily activities. As you throw things away you will find that you are becoming more centered, focused, and grounded for you are clearing the way for GOD to deliver better things to you. In answer the call the make changes you will find that you came alive and that youa re able to better serve the commiunity. As a result of throwing it away you will find yourself detaching from outcomes and thus you will will be able to move easier toward your goals and objectives. It is when we let go and let GOD guide us that we are able to create the life that we desire.

As I was throwing away some of my old shirts from events and organizations that I have been part a part of that created some memorable times I took pictures and posted to social media so I would have a record of them so that I could use them as a reminder to help me to stay motivated so that I cna continue to be of service and value to others. As I continue on my spiritual path I have learned that I need to throw away certain thoughts I had and start to take care of myself. I used to avoid doctors as I was fearful of what they would tell me but now I understand the importnace of seeing the doctors and dealing with things head on so they do not get worse. I used to think seeing a counselor or a psychologist was a sign of weakness which was garbage thinking because there is nothing wrong in seeking help. In the last 2 months I have learned to to throw away the negative mindset and to stay more positive and to go from limitting beliefs to limitless beliefs. As you continue to waken spiritually remember that by throwing away that which is bringing you down you will position yourself to move up. It takes courage to take the steps to throw things away so that you can continue to enhance the mind, body, and soul connection.

In decluttering my condo I have come to realiz that it takes a bit of courage to change for as you move away from that which no longer serves you may be tempted to forget everything and run instead of facing everything and rising. I was so worried about what others might think about me discontinuing some things because the items I had accumulated for fundraising had consumed my cond and made ot look like a warehouse that I was hesistant to stop asking for items and waited to declutter for awhile. When I decided to have the courage to change my mindset about getting my condo in order I began to feel more joy and thus was able to pass my joy onto others. In stead of worry what others would think I started to just clean and find ways to shrink the inventory of items I had accumulated thus crreating an enviroment that allows me to thrive. When you can throw away the physical and mental things that stop you from thriving you can make changes that allow you to help yourself and others. There is something catharatic about removing that which no longer serves you. If you ahve been hesitating to take steps to unclutter your life take a deep breath and begin now.  The experience will bring more bliss and abunance into your life as you will be more spiritually aware and awake and you will get a good feeling for you are making room for better things to come your way. It is through your commitment to throw or give things away that you will attract more bliss and abundance into your life. May you move toward in your quest to throw things away finding more spiritual growth as you declutter and move toward enlightenment today, Namaste!!!