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Spiritual Awakening: Overcoming The 7 Deadly Sins!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Overcoming The 7 Deadly Sins!!!

 As I was reading through my facebook feed and swa the comments about Hostess going out of business a few things popped out and they were gluttony, Greed, and Envy 3 of the 7 deadly sins which prompted me to think how are we as a nation going to overcome these and the other 4 and get in touch with our Spirituality.

1: Lust – The definitions that I found is.

  1. sexual desire: the strong physical desire to have sex with somebody, usually without associated feelings of love or affection
  2. eagerness: great eagerness or enthusiasm for something
  3. desire sexually: to feel a strong desire to have sex with somebody
Synonyms: desire, envy, covetousness, longing, yearning, hankering, hunger, thirst, itch.
     Type in lust in the google search and you would be amazed at what you find. The question is how do we overcome these urges. The first thing is to respect yourself and not treat others like a piece of meet. There is temptation everywhere and the key is to avoid the temptation by having pure thoughts. many times turning to prayer and listening to the guidance you receive will help you overcome lust.