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Spiritual Awakening: The Half Way Point!!!

Spiritual Awakening: The Half Way Point!!!


Recently I began to walk with a goal of hitting 5000 steps through out the day and when I hit 2500 I find myself pushing forward and speaking positive thoughts so as to continue. Through walking I gain clarity as I am in a meditative state working towards the goal of being healthier. In taking action I find myself better able to make the mind, body, soul connection and thus make it to the final goal. When I hit the 5000 goal I feel a sense of accomplishment and I am filled with a new found energy that allows me to stay focused and be more productive. In gaining mental clarity and becoming more  spiritually awake we are able to better understand our purpose and live our life on purpose.  In looking taking a short break and breathing at the half way point we are able to decide what to keep that serves us and what to release that no longer serves us. In awakening to who you are and what you are here to do you set in motion circumstances that will help you to manifest the life that you want.  In taking a moment to evaluate at the half way point you can best follow your calling and make changes that will continue to have you come alive.

As the end of June quickly approaches now is a great time to evaluate where you are for 2015. What goals have you set for 2015 and how are you meeting them? Now is the time to reflect, relax, and rejuvenate while building u what serves you and releasing what no longer serves you. As you sit in meditation ask your ascended masters, your angels, and GOD for direction and you will receive the answers.  If there is something creating a blockage now is the time to find out the root cause and to remove the blockage.  In looking back we are able to see our blind spots and what is holding us back so we can move forward and enhance our mind, body, soul connection thus shining our light bright for others to see.  As you get to the halfway point you have the opportunity to finish strong by looking at all the wins you have had so far and how you can utilize these wins to propel you forward in creating the life that you desire.