Action Takers Anthems Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community

Spiritual Awakening: Please Rise!!!




Spiritual Awakening: Please Rise!!!

In the course of my life these 3 anthems have played a role in my spiritual development. The first one is The National Anthem of Israel, the second  is The National Anthem of The Philippines, and The third is The National Anthem of The United States. each one brings me back to times that helped in my personal, professional, and spiritual development. In the last few days as I sat in quiet meditation I began to reflect on the symbolism of each anthem and how they molded me in becoming an action taker. I then realized that as I have done many cultural events I have stated the words please rise for the playing of (Insert Anthem Here). I then started to think how many times I must of stood for each of these anthems be it competing in The local Macabi Games, competing in swim meets, or serving as a U.S. Peace Corps Volunteer in The Philippines. In each case I stood and really focused on the words and found that they shared a common thread of respecting and honoring your country while being of service and value to others. Over the years when I have announced games or emceed events I have seen many people sit idly bye and not respect the colors of the nation that is being presented. Not standing for an anthem really doesn’t do anything. If you are unhappy with the ways things are in a country and you believe you have the power to change it then it is up to you to tap into your inner divinity and take action to improve the quality of life for everyone. This is a big responsibility so now is the time to rise and take action to spread positivism.

As you move forward and rise toward the life GOD has planned for you you will start to understand that if you are given great talents it is important for you to share them. When I was Bar Mitzvah in 1978 I spoke of the fact we have a responsibility to be of service and value in all that we do as we owe it to those who sacrificed so much so that we can have a better life. Many said how full of wisdom I was for a 13 year old others said I was full of something else. Now here I am nearly 39 years later sharing the same concept encouraging people to rise for one another and to be of service and value. Over the years the concept of being of service and value have entered my life on many occasion. When I entered high school I looked for ways to help others and this continued through out my college days and today I do my best to show people that service to humanity is the best work of life. Again some say the message is full of hope and healing while others say it is full of something else. I have decided to focus on those who are encouraging and supportive and to allow doubters, haters, and naysayers to go pound sand. As a result of sticking to the belief that I was put on the earth to serve others I have risen to heights that i could never have imagined. I have had experiences that some only dream about. I have accepted that there is much expected from me because I have always given 100% when I chose to rise up and become an action taker. If we are going to be the change we want to see in the world we must rise and show respect for ourselves and others by answering our calling and coming alive by positively impacting the lives of those we come in contact with. It is imperative that we grow personally, professionally, and spiritually by rising up and showing respect and compassion to others.

Spiritual Awakening: Tools To Help You Rise!!!

One way to rise is to commit to rise up by adopting your own anthem.


This poem has served as an excellent tool to rise above the negativity and to spread positivism.