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Spiritual Awakening: Never Alone!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Never Alone!!!

As you experience a spiritual awakening you will find moments that you feel alone and this is okay as the feeling will pass as you tap into your inner divinity and converse with GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels. On August 15, 2022 I had Pilonidal Cyst and Fitsula Removal Surgery. After being dropped off at my condo I felt a tinge of lonliness but I sat in meditation and when I came out of the mediation the clock read 4:44 meaning you are surrounded by angels. It was at this time that I realized that GOD is with me and will guide me in the recovery process. In the three weeks since my surgery I have had a lot of support from people sending well wishes and prayers making me realize that I am not alone and that I can get through the recovery process and beging to heal so that I can continue to be of service and value to others. I have also come to understand that despite some physical limitations I can still be an action taker and serve as someone who inspires and empowers others by answer my calling and making changes to move forward in a positive direction of my goals and objectives. I have also come to grips with the idea that it is okay to be alone and to do your own thing as you come alive and continue on a journey to show people that service to humanity is the best work of life. I have come to appreciate the alone time knowing that I have been given thos time to continue on my mission to help other people excel. I have embraced the fact that sometimes what we view as a setback is actually a set up for something bigger and better in our lives. Many times we allow the negative feelings to consume us and thus they create blocakages for us and stop us from walking in our truth and achieving the greatness which is our birthright. When we find the negativity pervading our thoughts and actions we must step back and detach from that emotional state and find something to flip the script so as to get back on a positive path. Once we realize that we never walk alone and that GOD never gives us more than we can handle we begin to turn things around.

As I reflected back on Labor Days gonme by I remembered all the years of participating as a volunteer with The Muscular Dystrophy Association and the many time I watched The MDA Telethon and at the end felt a sense of purpose as Jerry Lewis sang You Will Never Walk Alone. This had me thinking that there are times we may be by ourselves but we are not alone as we have many people thinking about us and praying for us as we continue on our spiritual journey. It is important to look around us and realize that we are not alone that there are many caring people here on earth watching out for us and that we have many angels in heaven guidiing us so that we can continue to shine our light and illuminate the world. In the last three weeks when I have felt alone I have jumped on social media simply to post an update and the support I have received has helped me to maintain a positive attitude.

When you have GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels on your side you are never alone. Despite losing friend and loved ones and felling alone you cam find comfort in the fact that the people GOD called home are always with you as you keep them in your heart and know you can call on them at any time. On Saturday (9/3/2022) I was announcing youth football and a yellow butterfly kept flying by the press box which reminded me that I am not alone as I imediately though that it was my mom checking in on me as she loved the color yellow and butterflies. A few times as I have sat in reflection over the last three weeks I have recived a message that I am proud of you and everything will be okay. I think thos was my MOM telling me that I am not alone.

Let Psalm 23 remind you that when you walk with GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels that you are not alone. It is your season to realize that you are a divine child of GOD and GOD want you to propser so that you can propser others. Walk together in faith.