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Spiritual Awakening: Getting Your Groove Back!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Getting Your Groove Back!!!

      Over the last 4 months since taking on a position as a sales associate with Macy’s at The Westfield Broward Mall in The Mattresses and Furniture Department I have had many days when I didn’t feel like I was hitting my groove and as a result I have had some tough times mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I recently made a big mistake where I ordered the wrong furniture for someone. I was able to rectify the mistake however the day I was informed of the mistake I beat myself up pretty bad about it and had a hard time getting into a positive groove. I learned from the mistake and can definitely tell you that it won’t happen again. In focusing on work and my personal life I have not been doing many of the things that I enjoy which has created a stuck in a rut type of attitude which I am working to get out of so that I can get my groove back. I like my job most of the time however there are moments that challenge me and take me out of my groove. I share this because I know there are others who are going through what I am going thorough. We all would like to have a position where we do what we love and get paid well for our talents however sometimes as we are evolving spiritually and building our following we need to take on positions that help to generate the income that we need to survive while growing personally, professionally, and spiritually. In an effort to get my groove back I am taking action by making the most of each day I am given here on earth.