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Spiritual Awakening: Measuring Your Time!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Measuring Your Time!!!

    Imagine if you had a bank account with $525,600 in it that would be depleted in 1 year? How would  you use that money? In life we have 525,600 minutes to use in a year. At the end of the year how will you measure your time? Every day is a new opportunity to positively measure time and to move forward with the plans that GOD has for you.

   As you measure your time and evaluate how you are using it remember that your time is limited and the question that will be asked most often is how did you live your dash for on your headstone it will read sunrise with a date a dash and then sunset. What mark are you going to leave on the world? When you measure your time make sure you can answer yes to these two questions did I live my life in joy and did my life bring joy to others. I have recently come to understand through the spiritual awakening process that every interaction has an opportunity to enhance people’s lives personally, professionally, and spiritually. I have also come to understand that to better measure time you have to remove the people and things from your life that no longer serve you.In measuring time you also should detach from expectations and outcomes and allow everything to flow as GOD has intended. As you measure time you must stay connected to GOD so that you can attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. As you measure time consider that there is a season and purpose for everything under heaven.

   The seasons change and we encounter hardships that when we overcome them we become stronger and we can keep them in our memories to use as a resource to make sure that we don’t do the same thing that created the hardship and that we take what we learned as we measure time to help others. it is understanding that if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring your through it so continue to measure your time and see how you are using it. Make your moments count by remembering that GOD’S plan is far greater than our own..

Image result for Balance Bible Verse 7 years of hardship 7 years of prosperity

It is when we embrace the fact that GOD’S plan is far greater than our own that things begin to come into our favor. As we measure time we need to use our talents for good so that good will enhance our personal, professional and spiritual life. It is in measuring time that we can see how we could have do me something differently as we are works in progress learning as we continue to be spiritual beings having a human experience. I have come to understand that every conversation has opportunity so we need  to take advantage of the times we have to interact with others and find ways to make sure that the time spent is of value to all parties involved.

Image result for Use your time for the greater good

One of my favorite ways to measure time is to go outside and sit by my pool area with my notebook and write about my day and journal what I am grateful for that day. In doing this I find myself becoming more centered, focused, and balanced which enables me to reflect and see how I can continue on a path to spiritual enlightenment. In measuring time I have come to learn that it is not about the material things but it is about evolving spiritually so that you enhance your life and the lives of others. In reflecting about the day we can see how we could have handled things differently thus allowing us to break the chains and eliminate the blockages that are stopping us from becoming the best version of ourselves that we can become. Many times we say only time will tell and as time passes it tells a story and allows us to grow.

    Time will tell a story and that story will be filled with joy, sadness, hardship, hope, healing, personal growth, spiritual growth and professional growth. In measuring time we can take some stock in where we are, where we were, and where we are going. In measuring time we can eliminate the would ofs, could ofs, ans should ofs thus we can move forward on our spiritual path and make a positive impact on the world by simply using our time as GOD has intended for us to do so. GOD sees you and GOD knows your name and GOD knows the plans he has for you. GOD also knows the talent you possess and is giving you time to use it to create the life you want for yourself. When we measure time we can see the importance of letting go and letting GOD.

Knowing that GOD knows our names makes it easier to measure time as we continue to evolve personally and spiritually. It is when we use our time guided by GOD that we are able to understand our purpose in life. The two greatest times in our life are the day we are born and the day we find out why. Now is your time to shine your light bright for everyone to see and to illuminate the world while putting a positive check mark in the measuring time box. Namaste!!!