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Spiritual Awakening: I’ve Got Your Manifestation Right Here!!!

Spiritual Awakening: I’ve Got Your Manifestation Right Here!!!

Manifestation Quote In the spiritual awakening process it is importance to understand how what we think about we create. As I sat in meditation this morning (1/30/2015) listening to the Chakra Clearing CD by Doreen Virtue I began to feel a sense of calmness and release come over me as I began to understand that with the help of GOD I could bring my thoughts to fruition. After the meditation I sat and I began to do an introspective search as to the way I was going about things and how things were occurring in my personal and professional life. I started to look at how things I had done were manifesting themselves in my life. I started looking at the energy that I was bringing to the events of my life and I realized that when things were challenging I was too attached to the outcome.  I realized that it is great to take action but you must look at how that action will affect others and how it will be perceived. As many of the frequent visitors to this blog know I am very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of West Boca Raton and my passion for raising money to help cancer patients, their friends, and their families runs very high.  The other day I received an email about the signing up of 8 new teams for Relay  and in my excitement did a reply to all as I thought that as a committee it is important that we support one another and celebrate each other. I asked everyone to please focus on getting more teams and to support the following fundraiser.

Hurricane Grill Give Back The event lead(chair) left me a very angry  voice mail and a very scathing email. I took many deep breaths and I politely expressed to him why I did what I did and he took it as me usurping his power. So I told him in the future I will let you handle all communication. The lesson I learned here is that many people are driven by EGO and thus get angry and because of this many be holding themselves back.  He did make it a point to tell me he was a millionaire  and had his own successes.  As part of the spiritual awakening process I have learned to not take anything personally, and to always do my best. When I detached from the situation and realized that I was dealing with someone who did not understand the idea that it is not about power and position but it is about everyone working together for the common good of the event so that we have a successful event. The way to avoid this in the future is to understand that EGO is edging god out and while many will profess to be following a GOD like path one must remember that not everyone who goes to church is pious and upstanding. When we detach ourselves from the outcome we are able to become better manifesters. In many cases we must come alive and alleviate the fear of walking in and speaking our truth so as to be of service and value to the community. In a way I manifested this because I want my fundraiser to be successful.