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Spiritual Awakening: Using The N Word!!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Using The N Word!!!!


Where did your mind take you when you saw this headline. As part of my spiritual awakening  it took me to spiritual words starting with N such as Namaste. In a previous entry I spoke about Namaste For Everyone and incorporating this N Word into everyday practices to enhance your personal and professional life. I have used this N Word to stop many disagreements that people have had with me due to issues on both sides of the fence.

 As I looked at this child I began to think wouldn’t it be great if people were more in tune with their divinity and began to shine their divine light bright for the world to see and shared the N Word Namaste. Imagine a movement where those who have had a spiritual awakening and are on a path to spiritual enlightenment took action and started hosting NAMASTE Days in their community. If we get out from behind the computer and out into the community and begin to use Namaste as a daily greeting we can make a positive shift in the community. Instead of The Knock Out Game people should play the NAMASTE Game. Instead of arguing and point fingers we should recognize that we are all divine children of GOD and that each person has a talent to bring into the world. Instead of wanting what we don’t have we can be grateful in what we do have and share our blessings with others. If  we begin each day with a greeting of Namaste and end each day with the salutation of Namaste our world will become a better place. Make Namaste one of your anthems daily &  watch what happens.

Awakening calling Fellowship Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor Inspiration Lifting Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Music Peace Positivity Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Service and Value Sharing Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Entrepreneurs Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Success Talents The Journey Vision

Spiritual Awakening: Namaste For Everyone!!!!!



Spiritual Awakening: Namaste For Everyone!!!!!!

I was listening to The Barney (Yes The Purple Dinosaur) Song I love you, you love me……. and began to think what if I could change the lyrics and make it a song about Namaste and came up with I am Divine, Your are Divine, Namaste for Everyone, spread it everyday at work and at play, show your love like an angel or a dove and let’s praise our source from above, Namaste for Everyone.  As I began to share this idea I was asked what Namste was? I found the following answer to help people new to the spiritual path  to become more enlightened.

The gesture Namaste represents the belief that there is a Divine spark within each of us that is located in the heart chakra. The gesture is an acknowledgment of the soul in one by the soul in another. “Nama” means bow, “as” means I, and “te” means you. Therefore, Namaste literally means “bow me you” or “I bow to you.” The picture above shows how to deliver Namaste as to place your hands infront of your heart charka and bow to the person you are greeting or saying good by to.



Spiritual Awakening: Being in Namaste!

This article was inspired by Rick Figley and Stacy Sossner, who were recipients of A Spiritual Entrepreneurs Visionary Award for their outstanding work in helping people find their divine within. Their facebook group Being in Namaste has great uplifting stories like the one shared by Elaine Caban, who I had the pleasure of interviewing on my radio show and who is always full of love and joy. I have had the privilidge to meet so many wonderful people who truly exemplify the idea of being in Namaste. Many were recipients of The Spiritual Entrepreneurs Visionary Award in March. You can see a list of honorees by clicking on The Meet The  SEVA Honorees tab.