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Spiritual Awakening: Playing By The Numbers!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Playing By The Numbers!!!

Image result for Numbers Ever since I can remember numbers have played a major role in my life.  I think it all began with my first paint by numbers experience when I realized the power that numbers have in life. As I got older and began to experience spiritual awakenings I started to understand the roles of numbers and how they influence our personal, professions. and spiritual lives. I began to focus a lot of attention on numbers. As a result today as I continue to evolve spiritually I am very cognizant of numbers and their meaning. In understanding the power of numbers I am better able to make a mind, body, soul connection. In understanding numbers and their meaning I am able to adjust my vibration so that I am functioning at the highest vibration so as to attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity. In looking around the numbers that are coming into our daily life we can peel back the onion and figure out the reasons for why things are happening for us.

Image result for Numbers As we look at the numbers that coming up in our life we can make things happen and better comprehend why certain things are happening in our lives. Today for example I turned in money that I had collected for The 2018 American Cancer Society Relay For Life Of Sunrise and it brought my total to $3004 which adds up to 7. As I turned in the money the staff partner gave me a really nice Relay Hat and other Relay Items. I then went to Starbucks and was gifted a bag of chocolate covered almonds. I started to wonder why so I looked up the spiritual meaning of the number 7 and here is what I found.