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Spiritual Awakening: Light It Up!!!

It was a challenging January and I found myself questioning my purpose and then I remembered that I am here to light it up and when I shine my light I give people permission to shine their light and as a result the world is illuminated. I was feeling frustration as I experienced some financial challenges and was worrying about how I was going to keep my condo as people just weren’t responding to my pleas for help, I put out many posts asking people to visit and only 2 people made a donation. I asked people to send checks or money orders made payable to Jonathan Lederman to 9141 Sunrise Lakes Boulevard #102 Sunrise, FL 33322 and had no response. I then shared that I recently became an associate with Legal Shield and many people simply refused to take a look at what I was offering. All this put me in a bad way as I was wondering what it was that was stopping people from listening to me and helping me in my time of need. It seemed as though I was in a downward spiral creating blockages and then I decide to simply light it up and detach myself from outcomes realizing that the people meant to be in my life to help me will appear when GOD deems them necessary to be in my life. I took last week to really look deep into what I was doing and how my attitude was affecting my life and my interaction with people.

In finding the light and understanding that not everyone is meant to resonate with your message but you should deliver it anyway because there will be plenty that will be reached and transformed with your message. It is important to light it up and walk in your truth and find those who support your mission to be of service and value to others. In August of 2018 I turned 53 years old and it was my first birthday without my dad. I was in a bad place but then I light the candle on my cake and I wished for help. GOD delivered that help with someone whom made a very generous gift to me to help me have a home base to light it up and thus enhance the life of others. Some have wondered why I am online asking for donations for myself and for charitable causes. The answer is because I found my purpose and that is to help other people excel. I have always told people that the worst thing that will happen is that some will say no when you light it up but each no gets you closer to a yes. When you move in a positive direction of your goals and light it up the only person that can stop you is you. In the last 7 months I have learned who I can count on and who will give me lip service.

One way I am lighting it up is continuing to help The American Cancer Society by offering a KNOCKOUT CANCER TEE-SHIRT at where the profits are donated to help those touched by cancer by funding research, education, advocacy, and services. Thank you to Jeff Cash, Portrait Artist to The Stars, for his design and helping me to light it up. I could have gotten discouraged and quit as the last campaign only sold 3 tee-shirts instead I regrouped and detached myself from the outcome. As today is World Cancer Day I launched the campaign and ordered my shirt despite the fact that money is a bit tight. I decided to take action and light it up and as I was typing this blog entry I received notification that I earned Grand Club Status by raising over $1000 for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life and will be receiving a special commemorative shirt. Though the shirt will not put food on the table or pay bills it will act as a catalyst to light it up and help more people touched by cancer.

It is when we turn to GOD and light up the spark that is inside us allowing us to make a divine connection that we begin to attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into our lives allowing us to become stronger personally, professionally, and spiritually. We have a power to make a difference in our life and in the lives of others all we have to do is light it up and focus on the things we can change accept the thing we can not and have the wisdom to know the difference.

When you begin to light it up and understand that you have a higher calling you will find yourself clearing yourself of things, people, and place that no longer serve you. I am in the process of eliminating most of the materialistic items that I own for at the end of the day what we own does not define us. When you decide to light it up and let go the idea of what other people think you will find yourself expanding in your personal, professional, and spiritual life. When you start to tap into your inner divinity and find the light inside you will find that bliss and abundance come to you easily and effortlessly. As you continue on your spiritual path may you light it up and clear the blockages that are stopping you from becoming the most powerful you that GOD intends you to become. Light It Up!!! Namaste!!!