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Spiritual Awakening: Life Is A Coloring Book!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Life Is A Coloring Book!!!

 As I sat in Burger King with my FREE HUGS, STAY POSITIVE Sign I began to contemplate the fact that Life Is A Coloring Book, which led to the furthering of my own spiritual awakening. I began to look at the colors I decided to use on the sign and I realized that each had a meaning and that I was guided by source to use certain colors as I wrote the sign. I then chose to explore the meaning of colors and what it means to look at life as a coloring book. We can choose to stay with the lines and limit ourselves or we can color outside the lines and be limitless in all we do. We have the ability to color our own world and to shine our light in our own coloring book as we begin to awaken spiritually and explore the horizons that we see. When we take a moment to see GOD’S creations in this coloring book we begin to see the beauty that is all around us and with this recognition of beauty we also see the beauty in ourselves.  When we pick up our spiritual crayons and we begin to draw out our beauty we begin to find beauty in others and the world around us improves.  We may ask why did I choose the color car drive or the color of the walls in my home, or the colors that I like and now we know it is because life is a coloring book.

 In my coloring book I have a sign that I brought to life in hopes of inspiring people and touching their lives with a positive thought for the day.  Everyone’s coloring book will have different pictures that inspire and empower them to take action.  It was a big step for me to make this sign and bring it to life and share it in public as at first I was fearful about what people would think, then I took that deep breathe, meditated, and understood it doesn’t matter what other people will say. What matters is that I bring my coloring book to life and touch lives as I walk my spiritual path. It is in the journey in our coloring book that we begin to discover our authentic self and we then express ourselves by shining our light.