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Spiritual Awakening!!! Say Goodbye To Limits!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Say Goodbye To Limits!!!

 As you experience a spiritual awakening you begin to understand that there are no limits to what you can do. As you move forward in a positive direction along your spiritual journey you discover that you are limitless and thus you are more apt to take action and bring ideas to fruition without hesitation as you have cleared the blockage of what will everyone think. The key is that it really doesn’t matter what other people think because at the end of the day as long as you pleased GOD and pleased yourself nothing else matters. In many cases we stop ourselves from reaching great heights because we listen to our own negative self talk and the doubters, naysayers, and haters instead of believing that we are powerful and capable of achieving the greatness that is our birthright. So today is the day to say goodbye to limits and simply take action on those things that you have been meaning to do and let GOD guide you to the amazing heights he has in store for you. Is is the day to go from the mindset of I can’t to I will it is time to make the idea that all things are possible your anthem. It is time to console with The Ascended Masters, GOD, Jesus, and The Angels and get the guidance that you seek so you can become limitless.  It is time to look at what is stopping you from taking action and then work through it and start taking the action that is required to manifest the life that you desire. It is time to come alive and make changes by being of service and value to your community. It is time to become limitless by detaching from outcomes and moving in a positive direction of your dreams by keeping any negative emotions in check.