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Spiritual Awakening: Eliminate The Box!!!

Image result for Eliminate The Box
Get Outside The Box and Start Growing Personally, Professionally, and Spiritually.

I have attended many seminars where the presenters have talked about thinking outside the box and I though what if you had no box and simply did what your divine guidance system instructed you to do? When you are creative and you tap into your inner divinity you begin to make a connection to GOD that will propel you to the greatness which is your birthright. When you head the messages from GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels you will be able to eliminate the box. In experiencing a spiritual awakening you will be guided to utilize your talents to be of service and value to others thus improving your personal, professional, and spiritual life. Yesterday (2/21/2019) I was the emcee at The Broward County Chamber Of Commerce Business Expo and as I was pulling the winners of the chance drawings from the vendors a vendor said the person that won hasn’t come to my table and I am leaving. I said you should call the winner and set up a time to meet to give them their prize this way you can see how you can be of service and value to each other. The vendor said oh that is a good idea. I left the table and thought wow many of the business people here need to eliminate the box and think greater picture.

Spiritual Awakening: Ways To Eliminate The Box!!!

In thinking creative and taking action on your idea will lead to success. It may take a while for others to fully wrap their head around it as they have been doing things a certain way for so long that they are not ready to eliminate the box. In October of 2018 I ran Strike Out Cancer Day with The Sunrise Sharks Travel Baseball Team and I thought how can I take this idea to the next level. About a week ago I sent a tweet to The Miami Marlins about making one of their games a Strike Out Cancer Day and I heard back from them. I spoke to a Miami Marlins representative today (2/22/2019) and gave him some ideas and he liked them and will present them to the decision makers and we will go from there. In being creative and sharing a concept you can achieve greater success and eliminate the box.

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Reading a variety of books and implementing the teachings from these books will help you to eliminate the box. One of my favorite books is Don Miguel Ruiz’s The Four Agreements. I have found by reading and rereading this book that I am better equipped to eliminate the box.

Music is a fantastic way to eliminate the box as it can set a mood for more creativity that will lead to more implementations of ideas thus allowing you to make a mind, body, soul connection that will show you that passion + action = success.

Block out the negativity that is creating blockages in your life and simply understand that when thing seem the darkest you are the verge of a breakthrough that will allow you to step into the light and eliminate the box that has been holding you back from fulfilling your full potential. I have come to understand that many things that we perceive as bad are going to occur but all we can do is eliminate the box and look for the lesson that is being given to us and the positives that are coming our way.

Spiritual Awakening: JDOGG’s Gift to Help You Eliminate The Box!!!

Today (2/22/2019) I give you this gift of meditation so that you can release that which no longer serves you so that you will be able to eliminate the box. Namaste!!!