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Spiritual Awakening: The Crazy Mixed Up World!

Spiritual Awakening: The Crazy Mixed Up World!


My world got a bit crazy and mixed up today. The day was going great and I was following my passion to help those touched by cancer when in a blink of an eye things got crazy outside of Starbucks. I had just finished making a call pertaining to my work of me helping to open a new rainbow store and was approached by a young man begging for money. I told him I wouldn’t give him money but I would pray for him and give him a list of place where he could go to find work. He went off an started to get belligerent and my human side got in the way as fear overtook me I pushed him and started to walk back into Starbucks. He came at me and that is when two Starbucks employees came out and helped me to get back inside with out further incident. I then took many a deep breath and realized we live in a crazy mixed up world and there are many angry misdirected people around us. I then found some gospel music like this song and started to pray that the young man would get the help he needed to exercise any demons that were stopping him from stepping into his power and evolving in his personal, professional, and spiritual life.

As I reflected on the situation I was reminded that GOD loves a cheerful giver and that when approached the next time I will offer food and a beverage and a chance to fellowship. If this doesn’t work I will walk away and say a prayer for the person who is coming from such a position of lack that they are broken in some way. Unfortunately in our human existence we will encounter a few people who have become so broken that they don’t realize that they are a divine child of GOD and that they have a power and talent inside that once they tap into that inner divinity it will propel them to greatness in their personal, professional, and spiritual life.  I have to learn to be more like a peaceful warrior when dealing with the outer influences of this crazy mixed up world.