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Spiritual Awakening: Creating Your Own Energy Company!!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Creating Your Own Energy Company!!!

Imagine being your own Con Edison or Florida Power and Light. Well now you can create your own energy as you embrace the fact that you have had a spiritual awakening and you are understanding more and more that we are all made up of energy. The way we use our energy is very important. I have found that the mornings where I get up in time to step outside and gaze at a sunrise and simply breathe and set my intention have allowed me to become an action taker. On some occasions playing some of the songs that I have made my anthems have created an energetic charge that sets me into a zone of moving forward positively in the direction of my dreams. It is through the awakening process that we find our calling and begin to witness changes in our personal and professional life.

In creating your own positive energy company you begin a journey to spiritual bliss that will propel you to vibrate at a higher frequency. It is when you stimulate those positive electrons that you begin to awaken spiritually and attract the right people into your life because you are vibrating at a higher frequency. One good gauge of the level of your energy company is how things are unfolding through out the day. Look at what energy you are bringing to the table and how people are reacting to it. Through out the day you will adjust the lumens that you are giving off as it is important to remember you will not resonate with everyone, however those that you do resonate with will assist you in achieving your goals and objectives.

The spiritual energy that you create will determine your altitude and how far you climb up the chart towards self actualization. The energy field will expand and create that which you focus on the most. If you focus on doing tasks in a joyful manner you will create a joyful energy field and thus have joy in your life. The  energy company you create is totally up to you. It all comes back to what you give out returns to you.