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Spiritual Awakening: The Best or Worst of Times? You Choose

 The Bee Gees sing about a new begining in their song Words sending us the message that many times words are we have reminding us the power in our words.

The Best or Worst Of Times? You Choose

Many night I will watch the new and just simply change the channel realizing that there is a lot more good happening in the world then bad. True there are many challenges facing us, however we have a choice to look at this time as the best or worst of times. The news media reports unemployment of 10 % an the general public say oh that is so bad times are tough everyone is struggling. I look at it and say what if the news media reported that 90% of Americans are working and showed people out in the community spending money. In our life it is all how we look at things it is a choice that we make. We can have pit parties and say poor me times are tough or I am going to face the challenge head on and overcome the challenge. It is all a mater of perspective. Many times it is neccessary to look at things from a different angle.

 Many times we are asked if the glass is half full or half empty? I say it is a glass of water get over it. Many times I say neither as it will still quench my thirst, or grow a flower, and if I add some soap I can wash my car. It is all how we look at things. It is when we choose not to judge and be in the flow that we can determine how precious the moment is.