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Spiritual Awakening: The Grand Illusion!!!!

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Spiritual Awakening: The Grand Illusion!!!

 How many times have we fooled ourselves into believing something because of the Grand Illusion that has come to be known to us. This Grand Illusion has held us back sometimes because we were afraid to break free. It was when I had a Spiritual awakening that this  a Grand Illusion began to fade. Upon realizing that life was a big  Grand Illusion I decided that I would do things for  the glory of GOD and Jesus and answer the two questions that really matter did I live my life in joy and did my life bring joy to others?  Upon asking those questions and living a life of service and value I have found my life is happier. It was when I began to look beyond the Grand Illusion and inside myself that I began to achieve goals that brought me happiness and as a result enhanced the lives of others. In Ecclesiastes it speaks of doing good and being of service and by doing so GOD will reveal his purpose for you.


 As I study the spiritual teachings of Don Miguel Ruiz, Deepak Chopra, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Marianne Williamson, Debbie Ford, Guy Finley, Neale Donald Walsch, and others I realize that reflecting on moments like the one that this photo captured in 1983 ( I am in the middle of the first row) help to uncover the Grand Illusion. My coffee table has more self help books that the self help section of a Barnes and Noble. It is when we take away the Grand Illusion of limiting beliefs and begin to understand why we have made the choices that we made that we gain a better understanding as to who we are mentally, spiritually, and physically. I joined the swim team because I wanted to be part of something then I realized I was very good and every time I swam I had a feeling of joy and as I improved my in the pool my life outside the pool improved. This was my first real experience of making the mind, body, soul connection.  Swimming taught me discipline and understanding.  Today when I do laps for physical fitness I am taken back to the moments where met challenges head on and overcame to be a top performer. There is something magical when your tear down that Grand Illusion. Today take action to tear down any grand illusion that is holding you back.

Spiritual Awakening: Tools to Step Beyond  The Grand Illusion!!!

 I have often found music to be a great messenger when seeking the answers to the questions of why we are here and who the heck we are? When you relax the mind and really focus on the lyrics of a song like Grand Illusion from Styx, you begin to understand that all of what we do is meaningless until we have a spiritual awakening.
Sometimes we are blinded by the light and then through the darkness we overcome the illusion and we become stronger as a result as we begin to understand our purpose. All of our lives most of us have been told you should be this or you should do that and then one day we realize that it is all meaningless and we take off our blinders and we answer our calling and we find that we are much happier. As a result we are able to say I lived my life in joy and I brought joy to others.

    Books such as these and other personal development books help us to get away fro the illusion and become real with ourselves so we can be of service and value to others. It is when you look beyond the obvious and see the endless possibilities that you sole this grand illusion.

 Using Stones and crystals are a great way to figure out the Grand Illusion.

 Meditation is a great tool to quiet the mind and find the answers that have been presented by the Grand Illusion.


 Look at this photo and write down what you see at first glance and then look deeper and write down what you see. Keep looking and you will see many things. As you tear down your own illusion you will see many things that you haven’t seen before and you will realize the endless possibilities. Today look for the possibilities and step beyond the Grand Illusion.

 I give you this gift of meditation by Jennifer Farmer to help you to heal challenges created by the Grand Illusion. It is through relaxation &  reflection that you will rejuvenate and become aware that the life as you know it is  a Grand Illusion. Stay Positive!!!





By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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