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Spiritual Awakening: Be The Miracle!!!

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Spiritual Awakening: Be The Miracle!!!! 


As I watched this video I kept thinking of the scene from Bruce Almighty where Jim Carey’s character Bruce tell the audience to be the miracle!!! I kept thinking how can you be a blessing for others? This led me to think of ways you can pay it forward and further your spiritual awakening?  I began to ask myself how can I become an action taker and make a positive difference. The answer was simple look to GOD and co-create opportunities to lift others up and show them that everything is possible. I have always subscribed to the belief that service to humanity is the best work of life and I begin my day with a question, how can I be of service and value today? I have adopted a few anthems along the way like Janet Lee Kraft’s Love Is The Highest Way and Tiffany Millander’s Awaken.


 Now the question is are you ready for your miracle? Have you had your spiritual awakening and open to receive your miracle.  How you see things determines much of  what happens for you.



   When you have your spiritual awakening you begin to look at things differently and your life begins to change and you begin to see miracles all around you. You begin to understand that the miracles are divinely given to us and it is our responsibility to dig deep inside ourselves as we make the mind, body, soul connection to unleash our miracle.
 When we shine our light and examine life as it is a miracle we cultivate others to believe in themselves and a higher power and then we get together on the same wave length and our life and the world improves. One thing to say to people who are searching for a miracle is I am here for you. Don’t be afraid to interact  with people as you may be the miracle that they are seeking. I remember a story about a young man who cleaned out his locker and was heading home only to be joined by someone who sensed something was wrong and walked him home they spent time together and on Monday the young man thanked the person and confided in that person that he was going home to commit suicide and due to the person just talking made him want to live. The person interacting became the miracle of a life saved. Never under estimate the power you have to create a miracle.

 I have discussed how fear may stop you from achieving your miracle in previous entries and I have found that when you answer your calling and throw caution to the wind that miracles happen.  It is when we begin to change the way we look at things that what we look at changes. Today I lifted my head up from the keyboard while I wrote at Starbucks and smiled and engaged a few people some were receptive and you could see that others needed to have a spiritual awakening and embrace that life is a miracle.

 Believing in miracles is a great way to become empowered and inspired to change the world one thought at a time. 

 It is understanding that miracles happen everyday that we begin to come alive and follow our passion and then co-create that which makes a positive impact.

 It was in answering this question that the concept of Stepping Into Your Power was born. There has been a big push about quelling the age old problem of Bullying. Many have asked what they can do and the answer is take action to allow people to understand that they are miracles and help them to see their worth. One way is to take action and co-create with GOD as I did and saw a program develop to send a message to the youth of my community that they are enough. The idea is to help promote the idea that we are all divine children of good and have something of value to bring to the world. It is when we begin to take action that miracles begin to manifest in our lives and in the lives of others.

 As one person there is so much you can do to be the miracle. You can share your knowledge with others, you can commit to do a random act of kindness, you can donate blood, you can begin a food drive or clothing drive, you can volunteer at a school or library. You can truly make a difference in the lives of others by simply deciding to be the miracle.  The possibilities are endless.





By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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